Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Prepare, Write and Deliver the Perfect Speech

The amount of preparation time you put into writing a speech can make the difference between giving a good speech and giving a great speech. During the preparation phase, you will have to decide on a theme, develop points that support your theme and choose a writing style that bests suits your personality. You can also choose to include quotes, jokes or stories from your own experiences to further your theme.

Tips for Writing the Perfect Speech

Deciding on a theme for your speech is the first step toward writing the perfect speech. The theme should be related to the event you're attending. Whether you're receiving an award or introducing a new product at a business conference, your speech should fit the occasion.

After choosing a theme, the next step is to create an outline that includes all the points you want to make. These points should lead back to the main theme of the speech so the audience doesn't forget it.

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Writing down each point and expanding on it is the best way to create a first draft. Many people number their points so they're easy to follow during the writing stage.

Refining the first draft by clarifying certain points, adding personal anecdotes and cleaning up sloppy language or omitting points that do not lead back to the theme is a necessary part of speech writing and should not be overlooked. It is through editing and reworking each section that your speech will become more focused and poignant. How you end the speech is the most important part, so take the time to craft this section so you can leave the audience with something to think about.

Practicing Your Speech

After refining your speech to the point where you think it's ready, rehearse it so you can become more comfortable with how it sounds and how it feels. You may need to refine the speech a bit more if you notice awkward pauses or realize your theme is not repeated throughout. Some people rework their speech until the moment before they give it, so don't feel you have to create the perfect speech after the first try.

You should not stop revising and editing even though you've moved on to the rehearsal stage. Practicing your speech in front of others who will give you honest feedback is a great idea, especially if you're a little nervous. When giving your speech, maintain a relaxed posture, speak slowly and clearly, and try to make eye contact whenever possible. This will make you seem comfortable in front of others.

Memorizing your speech is not recommended as it can make you appear wooden or fake. Memorize the main points in your speech and rehearse the speech many times so you can talk to the audience rather than spout back memorized information. You want to appear as calm and relaxed as possible during your speech. If you forget a point during your speech, refer to your note cards so you can get back on track.

Keep in mind that even the most perfect speeches are not really perfect - the person giving the speech was simply prepared enough to avoid disaster while keeping the audience engaged at the same time.


Sharon Alexander is the author of the ebook Claim that - The Ultimate Job-Hunting and Career Management ebook that teaches the skills and techniques needed to succeed in a competitive job-market. . .

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