Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Craig Garber

"WHO" should Be Selling In Your Sales Copy?

Who's "voice" your sales letter is written in, is a very
important factor you MUST consider,
before you ever sit down and write ANYTHING.

And of course, your entire marketing "angle" is going to be
dependent on that voice as well.

Generally, you ... Read >

What You Must Avoid Doing, If You Want To Keep Your Prospect Glued To Your Sales Copy

Yesterday while doing a sales copy review -- a problem kept
coming up repeatedly, and it's one I see very often. The
problem is...

Wasted Words.

A lot of times when you're writing copy, since you know "the
more you tell, the more you sell" you fe... Read >

What To Do With Looky-Loos And Subscribers Who Waste Your Time!

Remember that old television show " The Twilight Zone"?

It originally ran from 1959 to 1964 on the CBS network, and
was one of the most provocative and controversial shows of
its time. The show's narrator, host, and main writer, Rod
Serling, always... Read >

What To Do When Your Little Girl Leaves Home

Today I am NOT going to be talking about marketing.

It is the farthest thing from my mind right now.

And I also will NOT be telling you anything about writing
sales copy... and I probably won't help you come up with
your next USP either.

Today ... Read >

How To Use FREE Report Giveaways To Attract New Business!

A few days ago, I exposed a foolish letter I wrote to try
and get prospects when I first became a freelance
copywriter. (Just go here in case you missed

Do you know what the right wa... Read >

How To Write A Compelling Display Ad To Sell Whatever You Want

How come you're seeing certain ads over-and-over again?

Why are they working. and why do some display ads deserve to
be nothing more than bird cage lining.

Since we've been discussing sales copy "voices" lately, I'll
let you in on a little secret ... Read >

How To Find "Mr. X", And When To Let Him Start Selling For You

Over the last couple of days we've been talking about
something few people stop and take the time to consider,
BEFORE they go ahead and start writing their sales copy --
and that is -- whose "voice" your sales copy should be
written in.

Remember, w... Read >

How To Grow Your Business By Following Microsoft's Lead

One of the problems my consulting clients consistently ask
me about especially if they are in the information marketing
business (most of them are) has to do with "What should you be
selling your customers?"

Here's what Microsoft did in a similar si... Read >

How To Leverage Dr. suess... Walt Disney... And Yes, Even Elvis... Into More Sales

If you're using direct mail, and you want to boost your
response, make sure you're using first class
"live" stamps, as opposed to using "machine" stamped, or
pre-sorted bulk rate mail.

Nothing tells you "Hey, there's a sales letter inside this
env... Read >

Here's What Happens When You Leave The "Seduction" Out Of Your Selling

Last week, I revealed an embarrasing letter I used to send
out when I first got into copywriting, and how I tried to
pick up clients with it.

You can see that

Anyway, ... Read >

Here's A Little-Known But Very Serious Mistake Made By Nearly All Marketers

Here's a very common mistake people make when they're trying
to get new business.

And I'm going to use my own foolish screw-up to illustrate it.

It goes to show you what I keep trying to drum into your
thick skull, and that is... if you use it rig... Read >

What Did Richard Pryor Know About Marketing, That Most Business Owners Are Scared To Death About?

What Did Richard Pryor Know About Marketing, That Most Business Owners Are Scared To Death About?

You may know exactly how much of a comic genius Richard Pryor was, however few people are aware of what a marketing
genius he was too. Here's why:

Lik... Read >

Why Saying TOO Much, Is Costing You Sales!

Some things are better left unsaid, and when it comes to writing sales copy, saying TOO much, will in fact, cost you sales.

Look, writing sales copy isn't easy -- everybody knows that. But how do you know when you haven't said enough... and when you... Read >

Which One Of These "Incidental" Yet Sales-Killing Mistakes Are You Making In Your Sales Co

Today I want to talk about something that was in our original mock ad that may seem incidental, but the way it was
handled, is GUARANTE-ED to lower your response.

You can check out that original ad, and even print
out a copy of it, right here:

htt... Read >

When Marketing Liars Get Caught -- And What You Should Be Doing Instead

Ever see an ad and just "sense" that it's an outright lie? Or maybe even more frustrating, ever write an ad yourself, and feel you can't make your sales pitch accurately "unless" you're lying?

Don't worry, because I'm going to tell you exactly how to
... Read >

How to Prepare, Write and Deliver the Perfect Speech

The amount of preparation time you put into writing a speech can make the difference between giving a good speech and giving a great speech. During the preparation phase, you will have to decide on a theme, develop points that support your theme and choose a writing style that bests suits your personality. You can also choose to include quotes, jokes or stories from your own experiences to further your theme.

Tips for Writing the Perfect Speech

Deciding on a theme for your speech is the first step toward writing the perfect speech. The theme should be related to the event you're attending. Whether you're receiving an award or introducing a new product at a business conference, your speech should fit the occasion.

After choosing a theme, the next step is to create an outline that includes all the points you want to make. These points should lead back to the main theme of the speech so the audience doesn't forget it.

For more information click here
Writing down each point and expanding on it is the best way to create a first draft. Many people number their points so they're easy to follow during the writing stage.

Refining the first draft by clarifying certain points, adding personal anecdotes and cleaning up sloppy language or omitting points that do not lead back to the theme is a necessary part of speech writing and should not be overlooked. It is through editing and reworking each section that your speech will become more focused and poignant. How you end the speech is the most important part, so take the time to craft this section so you can leave the audience with something to think about.

Practicing Your Speech

After refining your speech to the point where you think it's ready, rehearse it so you can become more comfortable with how it sounds and how it feels. You may need to refine the speech a bit more if you notice awkward pauses or realize your theme is not repeated throughout. Some people rework their speech until the moment before they give it, so don't feel you have to create the perfect speech after the first try.

You should not stop revising and editing even though you've moved on to the rehearsal stage. Practicing your speech in front of others who will give you honest feedback is a great idea, especially if you're a little nervous. When giving your speech, maintain a relaxed posture, speak slowly and clearly, and try to make eye contact whenever possible. This will make you seem comfortable in front of others.

Memorizing your speech is not recommended as it can make you appear wooden or fake. Memorize the main points in your speech and rehearse the speech many times so you can talk to the audience rather than spout back memorized information. You want to appear as calm and relaxed as possible during your speech. If you forget a point during your speech, refer to your note cards so you can get back on track.

Keep in mind that even the most perfect speeches are not really perfect - the person giving the speech was simply prepared enough to avoid disaster while keeping the audience engaged at the same time.


Sharon Alexander is the author of the ebook Claim that - The Ultimate Job-Hunting and Career Management ebook that teaches the skills and techniques needed to succeed in a competitive job-market. . .

For more information click here

Great Advertising Headlines... Your Key To Blockbuster Sales

With today's economy going to the pits, consumers' grip on their money is getting excruciatingly tight.

That's why you need to do everything you can to master the art and science of attracting and selling to customers. Otherwise known as marketing.

The first part of that equation is writing effective advertising material.

Today, I'm going to give you the golden key to writing effective, money-making ads, sales letters and other advertising media...

That golden key is....

A powerful, attention-getting headline.

Now what exactly is a headline?

The headline is the very first statement in your ad or sales letter that your customers will see. (It could also be the first statement in your sales pitch. The statement you use to get your foot in the door.)

The headline is in essence, the ad for your ad.

Why is the headline so important?
For more information click here

Scientific marketing tests reveal that the headline of any ad or sales letter is responsible for about 80% of your results.

In other words, when you spend $1,000 to run an ad, $800 will depend on your headlines ability to attract the attention of qualified prospects for your product or service. The remaining 95% of your ad only produces about 20% of the remaining results.

With so much on the line, why be so foolish as to use this valuable space for your company name and logo or any other self-serving message?

According to marketing and copywriting giant Ted Nicholas, the headline serves several important roles...

Attracts attention Communicates a strong benefit Appeals to the readers self-interest. Answers the question: "what's in it for me?" Sets the tone for the offer Selects the right audience

So let's take a look at a few successful headlines and see why they worked...

What Will You Do When All Your Personal Assets--Including Your House, Car and Cash--Are Seized to Satisfy a Judgment Against Your Corporation? This headline invokes the fear of loss as it states the disastrous results of the reader being without the product.

Corns Gone In 5 Days or Money Back This headline makes a bold claim and uses risk reversal to reassure the reader of its promise.

How to Form Your Own Corporation Without a Lawyer for Under $50 This headlines shows the main benefit, removes the usual limitation (needing a lawyer to incorporate) and packages it into a low price.

How I Improved My Memory In One Evening This headline shows the main benefit and adds a time element

They Laughed When I Sat Down At The Piano--But When I Started To Play! This headline dramatizes the results of the product, and states it in the form of a story.

So how do you go about writing your next great headline?

Here are a few tips and guidelines...

Try starting your headline with the words "How to" Ex. How to Double Your Advertising Results In 30 Days or Less

Use the words "Announcing, Discover, Revealed, Introducing, New, Breakthrough..." or other variations of them. Ex. "Announcing, a new way to fight hearing loss!"

Describe the readers pain or problem(s) they will have without the product Ex. "Lack of Documentation could cost you your home, car, business and even your marriage."

Use the "They didn't think I could, but I did" formula... Ex. "They didn't think I could make over $100,000 a year without a college degree, but when they saw my new Mercedes!"

Tell the benefit in a first person story Ex. "How I became the highest paid salesman in the country in less than 2 years"

Offer a free report (The report you prepare and send out should contain at least Some useful information and not be all sales hype) Ex. "Free Report Reveals How To Settle Your IRS Debt For Pennies On The Dollar No Matter How Much You Owe"

Emphasize your guarantee to reverse the risk. Fresh, Hot Pizza in Thirty Minutes or Less or it's Free!

So how do you go about writing your next blockbuster headline?

Here's my process...

Make a list of ALL the benefits of your product or service. Pick out the most important benefit. Come up with at least 100 different headline variations of the most important benefit using the formulas and tips listed previously as well as others. Take the best 3-5 and test them against each other.

The very best copywriters in the world will usually write no less than 100 different headlines. Often times anywhere from 150 - 200 or more. Why?

Because they know that this is where the biggest return on your marketing dollar is so they spend days and weeks on writing the headline before settling on one.

A word of caution... don't be lazy and fall into the trap of most people and spending 5 minutes on the headline and days or weeks on the body copy. No matter how good your body copy is, with a bad headline nobody reads it.

With a great headline and average copy, you can still come away with an extremely lucrative ad or sales letter.

Good luck and headline success,

Wayne Brown


Wayne Brown is a marketing consultant and copywriter based in Marriottsville, Maryland and publisher of the "10 Part Super-charge Your Marketing and Advertising Course" available at He can be reached at

For more information click here
For more information click here

American Manganese Developing A Strategic Product For U.s. Steel Mills

Watch the video here:

With its recent name change from Roche Deboule Minerals, American Manganese Inc. now clearly states the business in which it expects to truly make its name. Manganese is another one of those metals that most people may have heard about but probably couldn't distinguish from magnesium. Without manganese, however, not much could be built or made in the modern world, and that's the opportunity that makes American Manganese (AMY) such an interesting investment story. Sitting on over10 billion pounds worth of indicated and inferred manganese�"currently trading at $1.31/lb in Arizona�"gives the company the largest known low-grade deposit of manganese in the United States, according to the US Bureau of Mines, and the largest potential source of the metal outside of China. We spoke with Larry Reaugh, AMY's president, to get the big picture on how his company could play a very important role in re-establishing domestic production of this key metal, which the US now has to rely on foreign sources for its supply.

ResourceIntelligence: Going from Roche Deboule to American Manganese is an interesting name transition, Larry. What's the story behind that?
LarryReaugh: Roche Deboule is the name of a rather well-known Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) property in B.C. which we still own. It was the core holding of AMY before we decided to make a strategic change in the direction of the company and pursue a commodity we thought would have a greater demand in the coming years.

RI: So how did you decide to get into the manganese business?
LR:In 2006-2007 I started looking around at the types of metals which appeared to be in short supply, at least here in North America, and realized that there was no domestic production of manganese anymore.You can't make steel without it and it turns out that China controls over 97% of the world's electrolytic manganese supply - and they are looking for more for themselves. Not a good situation for the US and other nations which need to rely on essentially one supplier.

RI: How did you manage to acquire all these key manganese properties and was there any or much competition to do so?
LR:Based on our research, in 2007 we determined that the Artillery Peak manganese properties in Mohave County, Arizona, which encompass historical open-pit and underground mines that produced manganese from1928 to 1955, were available for acquisition. So we purchased 90unpatented lode claims and also began assembling the patented claims in the area. Soon after that we started a 5000 meter diamond drilling program and continued to pick up more claims. By October 2008 we had completed the assembly of virtually all the manganese camp at Artillery Peak which now consists of 112 patented claims and 254 unpatented,covering 12 sq miles.

RI: So what work have you done there since you acquired the property?
LR:The drilling results on the small portion of the property we first tested showed significant manganese over thick intersections. Based on that drilling program we received our first 43-101 compliant estimate in June 2008 followed by a second 43-101 in April 2009. That one was based on the 2007/8 drilling, as well as prior drilling and surface and underground sampling from reports in the extensive data base compiled in 1983 by Jim Lake of Hazen Research, who completed development work on the production of electrolytic manganese metal using sulfurous acid leaching. The second 43-101 indicates a manganese resource in excess of100 million tonnes, with 1,068,307,976 lbs of indicated contained manganese and 9,661,091,721 lbs of inferred contained manganese.

RI: Based on that, where do you go from here?
LR:Obviously, the key to any successful mining operation is being able to produce metals at a profit over a long period of time. The key to being able to do it at Artillery Peak is a combination of a large resource which is mineable at a low cost as well as a method of recovering the metal at a low cost. The mining part will be a simple and low cost open pit operation followed by use of a hammer mill to break up the ore prior to vat leaching using sulfurous acid, which we would produce onsite from sulfur. A metallurgical lab called Kemetco reports a proof of concept on the sulfurous acid method of extraction. The report proves a process based on the early work of the U.S. Bureau of Mines over several decades, and further development work by James L. Lake, Vice President of Hazen Research at the time, as well as Kemetco Labs‘. The process work has been successful in producing Electrolytic Manganese Metal from the samples of Artillery Peak.

RI: Can you explain the process a little more?
LR:Once the material has been reduced to minus 25mm, it is turned into a slurry in stirred tanks where it is leached when sulfur dioxide gas is injected through the pulp. That produces the sulfurous acid solution and in less that 30 hours, over 90% of the manganese breaks down physically and goes into solution. The leached pulp is then settle dusing flocculents and we end up with a pregnant solution containing manganese sulphate and dithionate. This is then evaporated to make crystals which are calcined at (250°C) to eliminate the dithionate and recycle the sulfur dioxide gas back to the leaching stage. The manganese sulphate is then purified to remove traces of any base metals, such as calcium, before being fed into the electrolysis stage.We can actually produce some of our own electrical power by using the intense heat which is produced when sulphur is burned to produce sulfur dioxide. The waste heat can also be used to speed up the crystallization and filtration of the leached pulp.

RI: So what are the economics of your proposed operation?
LR:In August 2009 we received a NI43-101Preliminary Economic Assessment of the viability of exploiting the reported Artillery Peak resource. The positive conclusion of the report is that we should be able to produce electrolytic manganese metal at a calculated cash production cost of 44cents per lb. The mining and processing costs at 90% recovery and 2.5:1stripping ratio should come in at
.15 per pound and the costs of electrowinning are estimated at
.29 per pound. The total "all in"cost is calculated at 63 cents per lb with a total capital expenditure calculated at $90,000,000. That would be for a 3500 tonne per day operation which would yield around 50,000 tonnes of electrolytic manganese per year. In the process we would be the lowest cost producer in the world.

RI: 3500 TPD doesn't seem like that large an operation by most open pit standards these days.
LR:Bear in mind that the capital cost is only $90 million, and using a resource figure of only 21.24 million tonnes at 4.48% manganese, we have a mine life of 17 years. Using base case figures and a manganese price of US$1.10, we have a pay back period of only 1.73 years and an internal rate of return of 60%. Even if our operating costs were to be20% higher than projected, the payback period would only go to 2.04years and the IRR would still be 50%. If manganese sold 10% higher,under the base case cost scenario, payback would be in 1.45 years and the IRR would be 72%. So any way you look at it, at only 3500 TPD this should be a very profitable operation. Plus, we can always expand production if the demand is there.

RI: In summary, why should investors be considering American Manganese as an attractive investment at this time?
LR:We think that American Manganese presents a unique opportunity to participate in a company which could be the lowest cost producer of electrolytic manganese in the world and will be providing a valuable commodity to US markets which is not available domestically at this time. If we can produce 110,000,000 lbs of manganese per year and make just .47 per lb profit, we should have some very happy shareholders.


* Begin drilling 191 reverse circulation drill holes totaling an estimated 15,885 metres
* starting the end of February
* Increase the existing NI-43-101 resource at Artillery Peak by 50% to 100% from current levels and move current resources from indicated and inferred to measured and indicated
* Raise additional capital as needed to move on to a
* Feasibility Study
* Begin production in early to mid-2013

For more information click here

Monday Effect, January Effect And The October Effect For Stocks

Did you ever forget your girlfriend's birthday. If you have ever committed that mistake, you know the consequences. Calendar dates are very important in our lives. We plan vacations during the summers and winters. So, you are always looking at the calendar when planning our future. Some days and months in our lives are very important. But you will be surprised to know this that markets also tend to follow the calendar. Some days and some months in the year are also important for the market. Companies religiously publish their quaterly earning reports and forecast the earnings for the next quater. Companies close their books at the end of the year for tax purposes. At the end of the year, we all file our taxes. As investors we evaluate our returns on quarterly basis.

Retail sales follow the holiday season. Demand for commodities follows the growing season. Demand for fuel follows the weather. Keep these three calendar effects; The January Effect, The Monday Effect and The October Effect in mind when you trade stocks.

The January Effect: For the last many decades stock market tends to go up in the early part of January. The most obvious explanation is the most of the investors tend to sell at the end of December for tax purposes and buy back those securities at the beginning of January.

Holidays make us happy. Especially the New Year Holidays. There are New Year Parties and we all make our New Year Resolutions. So when January comes, we want to start the New Year with a bouyant spirit. So investors flock and start investing in stocks to put their money to work during the rest of the year.

If the stocks go up in January, you could take a jump by buying in December. That would make stock prices go up in December and if they go up in December, you could buy in November. This is precisely what people started to do and now you will see a very weak January Effect taking place.

In an efficient market, these price anomalies are spotted by the people and then they trade on them until they disappear. Now some years January Effect can be really pronounced and other years it can be weak. Just use this January Effect to understand the market psychology not as a hard and fast trading rule.

Then there is something known as the Monday Effect. When the weekend ends our mood goes soar. Heck, another week has started. So most of us tend to be in bad mood on Mondays. Most of us are not happy going back to work on Monday. So this bad mood starts getting reflected in the market. During the weekend, we also tend to analyze the bad news during the past week. So the first thing we do is sell the stocks that we thing are not good. So stay away from the market on Mondays.

The two famous stock market crashes of 1929 and 1987 happened in October. So many traders have started thinking the October tends to be a bad month. Nobody knows why those crashes came in October but still people talk of the October Effect in the stock market. Anyway the tech bubble crash in the NASDAQ Market came in March 2000, so you never know October is bad or March is bad. In 2008, stock markets crashed again in March. So people will start talking of the March Effect too!


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American Manganese Developing A Strategic Product For U.s. Steel Mills

Watch the video here:

With its recent name change from Roche Deboule Minerals, American Manganese Inc. now clearly states the business in which it expects to truly make its name. Manganese is another one of those metals that most people may have heard about but probably couldn't distinguish from magnesium. Without manganese, however, not much could be built or made in the modern world, and that's the opportunity that makes American Manganese (AMY) such an interesting investment story. Sitting on over10 billion pounds worth of indicated and inferred manganese�"currently trading at $1.31/lb in Arizona�"gives the company the largest known low-grade deposit of manganese in the United States, according to the US Bureau of Mines, and the largest potential source of the metal outside of China. We spoke with Larry Reaugh, AMY's president, to get the big picture on how his company could play a very important role in re-establishing domestic production of this key metal, which the US now has to rely on foreign sources for its supply.

ResourceIntelligence: Going from Roche Deboule to American Manganese is an interesting name transition, Larry. What's the story behind that?
LarryReaugh: Roche Deboule is the name of a rather well-known Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) property in B.C. which we still own. It was the core holding of AMY before we decided to make a strategic change in the direction of the company and pursue a commodity we thought would have a greater demand in the coming years.

RI: So how did you decide to get into the manganese business?
LR:In 2006-2007 I started looking around at the types of metals which appeared to be in short supply, at least here in North America, and realized that there was no domestic production of manganese anymore.You can't make steel without it and it turns out that China controls over 97% of the world's electrolytic manganese supply - and they are looking for more for themselves. Not a good situation for the US and other nations which need to rely on essentially one supplier.

RI: How did you manage to acquire all these key manganese properties and was there any or much competition to do so?
LR:Based on our research, in 2007 we determined that the Artillery Peak manganese properties in Mohave County, Arizona, which encompass historical open-pit and underground mines that produced manganese from1928 to 1955, were available for acquisition. So we purchased 90unpatented lode claims and also began assembling the patented claims in the area. Soon after that we started a 5000 meter diamond drilling program and continued to pick up more claims. By October 2008 we had completed the assembly of virtually all the manganese camp at Artillery Peak which now consists of 112 patented claims and 254 unpatented,covering 12 sq miles.

RI: So what work have you done there since you acquired the property?
LR:The drilling results on the small portion of the property we first tested showed significant manganese over thick intersections. Based on that drilling program we received our first 43-101 compliant estimate in June 2008 followed by a second 43-101 in April 2009. That one was based on the 2007/8 drilling, as well as prior drilling and surface and underground sampling from reports in the extensive data base compiled in 1983 by Jim Lake of Hazen Research, who completed development work on the production of electrolytic manganese metal using sulfurous acid leaching. The second 43-101 indicates a manganese resource in excess of100 million tonnes, with 1,068,307,976 lbs of indicated contained manganese and 9,661,091,721 lbs of inferred contained manganese.

RI: Based on that, where do you go from here?
LR:Obviously, the key to any successful mining operation is being able to produce metals at a profit over a long period of time. The key to being able to do it at Artillery Peak is a combination of a large resource which is mineable at a low cost as well as a method of recovering the metal at a low cost. The mining part will be a simple and low cost open pit operation followed by use of a hammer mill to break up the ore prior to vat leaching using sulfurous acid, which we would produce onsite from sulfur. A metallurgical lab called Kemetco reports a proof of concept on the sulfurous acid method of extraction. The report proves a process based on the early work of the U.S. Bureau of Mines over several decades, and further development work by James L. Lake, Vice President of Hazen Research at the time, as well as Kemetco Labs‘. The process work has been successful in producing Electrolytic Manganese Metal from the samples of Artillery Peak.

RI: Can you explain the process a little more?
LR:Once the material has been reduced to minus 25mm, it is turned into a slurry in stirred tanks where it is leached when sulfur dioxide gas is injected through the pulp. That produces the sulfurous acid solution and in less that 30 hours, over 90% of the manganese breaks down physically and goes into solution. The leached pulp is then settle dusing flocculents and we end up with a pregnant solution containing manganese sulphate and dithionate. This is then evaporated to make crystals which are calcined at (250°C) to eliminate the dithionate and recycle the sulfur dioxide gas back to the leaching stage. The manganese sulphate is then purified to remove traces of any base metals, such as calcium, before being fed into the electrolysis stage.We can actually produce some of our own electrical power by using the intense heat which is produced when sulphur is burned to produce sulfur dioxide. The waste heat can also be used to speed up the crystallization and filtration of the leached pulp.

RI: So what are the economics of your proposed operation?
LR:In August 2009 we received a NI43-101Preliminary Economic Assessment of the viability of exploiting the reported Artillery Peak resource. The positive conclusion of the report is that we should be able to produce electrolytic manganese metal at a calculated cash production cost of 44cents per lb. The mining and processing costs at 90% recovery and 2.5:1stripping ratio should come in at
.15 per pound and the costs of electrowinning are estimated at
.29 per pound. The total "all in"cost is calculated at 63 cents per lb with a total capital expenditure calculated at $90,000,000. That would be for a 3500 tonne per day operation which would yield around 50,000 tonnes of electrolytic manganese per year. In the process we would be the lowest cost producer in the world.

RI: 3500 TPD doesn't seem like that large an operation by most open pit standards these days.
LR:Bear in mind that the capital cost is only $90 million, and using a resource figure of only 21.24 million tonnes at 4.48% manganese, we have a mine life of 17 years. Using base case figures and a manganese price of US$1.10, we have a pay back period of only 1.73 years and an internal rate of return of 60%. Even if our operating costs were to be20% higher than projected, the payback period would only go to 2.04years and the IRR would still be 50%. If manganese sold 10% higher,under the base case cost scenario, payback would be in 1.45 years and the IRR would be 72%. So any way you look at it, at only 3500 TPD this should be a very profitable operation. Plus, we can always expand production if the demand is there.

RI: In summary, why should investors be considering American Manganese as an attractive investment at this time?
LR:We think that American Manganese presents a unique opportunity to participate in a company which could be the lowest cost producer of electrolytic manganese in the world and will be providing a valuable commodity to US markets which is not available domestically at this time. If we can produce 110,000,000 lbs of manganese per year and make just .47 per lb profit, we should have some very happy shareholders.


* Begin drilling 191 reverse circulation drill holes totaling an estimated 15,885 metres
* starting the end of February
* Increase the existing NI-43-101 resource at Artillery Peak by 50% to 100% from current levels and move current resources from indicated and inferred to measured and indicated
* Raise additional capital as needed to move on to a
* Feasibility Study
* Begin production in early to mid-2013

For more information click here

Influence of Celebrities on Our Culture

The influence that celebrities have on the average person is phenomenal. Many young girls especially want so much to look just like their favorite star they go as far as starving themselves. Stars can have negative influence as well as positive. When stars get arrested for drugs or alcohol it sends a message that this is cool and many young people try the same thing, but with much different results. They don't get special treatment like stars do and sometimes their lives are irreparably damaged. Many celebrities have failed marriages and relationships and this also sends a message to the average person that marriage is not something that lasts. When a celebrity just gets tired of one partner they find another. I think we as "normal" people think our lives are boring and uneventful compared to a celebrity and so we try to do what they do and find total unhappiness.

There are entire shows on TV that are geared toward criticizing what the celebrities are wearing to the Oscars or Emmy's. We see the stars wearing jewels worth millions and one of a kind gowns that are usualy reserved for fairy princesses. We then go to our closet and see a couple of ordinary dresses, a lot of old jeans and sweats and feel ungrateful and unhappy. This can make the average person feel resentful and jealous. Our culture puts these stars on pedestals and we compare their lives to ours and that is unrealistic.

Many people actually get into incredible debt trying to look like a celebrity. Many people even have plastic surgery to make themselves look like their favorite star. One evening gossip shows demonstrates how to look like a celebrity on a budget because they know we all want the look the stars have. They show the celebrity all dressed up and take the outfit apart piece by piece and show you how and where you can get the same look for less. Many people take that seriously and get into debt trying to look the way the stars do.

Another influence celebrities have on our culture is that of invading ones privacy. Nothing is sacred anymore. The paparazzi follow their every move and that seems to invade their right to privacy. I think that is a bad thing to be teaching our children. There is also the danger aspect of racing to follow a star and causing accidents. The paparazzi seem to be willing to risk anything to get a picture, which is a negative influence for our culture. Their is also the special treatment mentioned earlier. Stars are somehow thought of better than a bum in the street, but we are all entitled to the same rights and freedoms. I think that causes anger in our culture.

Celebrities have incredible influence today in our world. They seem to be royalty in this country and we love to watch their every move. I think it makes our lives seem a little less boring. We need to be careful not to make them perfect, because they will fall and when that does happen many people will become disillusioned and possibly even depressed.


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Importance Of Using Resume Buzzwords

Writing an effective job resume would require you to make use of buzzwords to attract and appeal to employers or hiring managers. Buzzwords are simply terms and keywords that you can use that can actually help make your resume reach its destination. In order to better understand this, you may need to know more on how job resumes are being distributed, sorted and collected.

Job Resume Routes
Job resumes today no longer go through the same process of being collected by the simple mail room to hiring manager setup. There are now various ways in which you may be able to submit your job resumes. You can go through the traditional way of handing it personally or through the Internet. The new ways in which job resumes are now being submitted also has changed the way it has been prepared. It is in this case that resume buzzwords come into play.

Many companies now employ better technology in trying to collect and retrieve job resumes that they receive. Many of them now use automated resume scanning and retrieval systems to make the job of going through piles and piles of job resumes more efficient. Some firms may even get the services of online job banks to further look for ideal job candidates.

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Using Resume Buzzwords
Automated systems that scan and retrieve job resumes usually rely on certain keywords for guidance. Such keywords may be a job title, company names, certifications or degrees, skill based descriptors and the like. Computers then scan over thousands and thousands of job resumes to look for those that may contain such terms as part of their content. Resumes containing some of the most widely used buzzwords or keywords get the better chance of being retrieved more often than others that don't.

Including key phrases and buzzwords into your job resume may help increase its chances of being "found". Try to include pertinent phrases and keywords usually used and related to your field and profession as part of your resume. Make sure that it is search friendly, thinking in terms of how computers may also be looking at your job resume. Although your own accomplishments and achievements in the job would ultimately get you the job, using important buzzwords in your job resume will improve your chances of being found when employers start searching for new job candidates.

Dennis Chiu, Writer and Certified Blogster

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How to Become a Professional Detective

The people who have excellent observational skills, are good in solving mysteries, should consider "professional detective" as a profession. The first and major thing to become a proficient investigator is to get attached with any licensed investigator agency to know some of the basic skills of investigator field. It is important to get trained under a licensed detective agency to be properly registered. After getting registered, one should meet all the licensing requirements of the state in which they are going to work.

However to become a skilled investigator there is no need to have any specific degree or diploma but it needs a little hard work and determination. If the candidates are well qualified, it is good as they can get things or ideas more quickly. There are several learning institutes that guide customers to become a certified investigator. This is important to become a licensed investigation officer as the licensed ones are easily hired by government, insurance companies and police organizations.

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There are several misperceptions about the question, how to become a specialized investigation officer. It really does not require any degree or specific course. The task and the job of expert detective are quite responsible and a man with guts can do a good job in this profession. That is the reason, most retired army personnel are considered first for the job. This profession demands physically and psychologically fitness of a person. There are several important facts about how to become a qualified detective officer and there are some points to consider.

1. Most people who opt for this career generally have some law enforcement or military background. There is no condition to have military background or any specific degree required but if they have then it is good and easy to attain training. There are several courses in criminal justice and other courses related to investigation officers that are very helpful in becoming a qualified investigator.

2. If some one has no experience in military or any other law organization, then it is better to join any of the investigation school where they can teach the basic skills that a skilled investigator needs like how to take finger prints, take samples, how to use fire arms and writing reports.

3. Writing skills are the most important aspect in becoming a certified detective as they have to make frequent reports and all the reports should be in professional quality.

4. Candidate should be well known to computers and should be able to search anything from the computer. This skill can play a vital role for entering into a profession like detective.

Mr. Sanjay Singh, a professional detective in Chennai, offering corporate, financial and personnel detective services in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Delhi.

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Exchange Traded Funds for Dividend Paying Stocks Outside the U.S.

The United States stock market is the largest in the world, but certainly not the only important one. Much of the world's economic activity, and many of its public companies that pay stock dividends, are traded in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and South America.

The greatest growth potential lies in the developing world. If U.S. investors restrict their portfolios to Wall Street they cannot profit from the rest of the world.

However, it's not easy for the average small investor to invest in companies listed in London and Tokyo, let alone Brazil and China.

If investors want to receive dividends from companies around the world, it's difficult just to find the best ones.

However, four exchange traded funds (ETFs) now make this simple and easy for U.S. investors.

The first is PowerShares International Dividend Achievers Portfolio: PID. PID tracks the Mergent International Dividend Achievers Index. This is a list of all companies outside the United States which have raised their dividends every year for at least the past five years, and which trade on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, or NASDAQ.

The top countries represented by this ETF are Canada, The United Kingdom, Japan, Bermuda, and Mexico. It holds ninety different companies. The top three companies it owns are Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste S.A.B. de C.V. (ADS), Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd., and BP PLC (ADS). Its distribution yield is 6.25%.

WisdomTree DEFA Fund: DWM tracks the WisdomTree Dividend Index of Europe, Far East Asia and Australiasia (DEFA). This is a fundamentally weighted index of nearly 2000 companies. They are in sixteen developed countries in Europe, Singapore, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong.

DWM is a fund of funds because it primarily invests in the more specific WisdomTree funds. These are the WisdomTree Europe Total Dividend Fund, the Japan Total Dividend Fund, and the Pacific ex-Japan Total Dividend Fund. DWM's net expense ratio is 0.48%. Its distribution yield is 4.59%.

WisdomTree DEFA Equity Income Fund: DTH consists of the companies in the WisdomTree DEFA Index with the highest dividend yields. They must also have a market cap of at least $200 million and average trading volume of at least $200,000 per day for the past three months.

Top countries included in this ETF are currently The United Kingdom, France, Spain, Australia, and Germany. Its top holding is BP (formerly British Petroleum). DTH's expense ratio is 0.58%. Its yield is 2.61%.

WisdomTree Emerging Markets Equity Income Fund: DEM replicates the performance of the WisdomTree Emerging Markets Equity Income Index. This measures the companies in WisdomTree's Emerging Markets Index which pay the highest dividend yields. They have to be in the top 30% of companies in the index. DEM's expense ratio is 0.63%. Its overall dividend yield is 5.32%.

Top emerging countries in this fund are Taiwan, South Africa, Brazil, Isreal, and Malaysia. The top company is the Nan Ya Plastics Corporation of Taiwan.

For the greatest diversification and growth potential investors should consider buying one of the first three ETFS and DEM. That way they can profit from companies in both developed and developing countries.

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Foreign Investment/Acquisition of Indian Companies by Foreign & Domestic Investors - Six Steps Mantr

Foreign Investment/Acquisition of Indian Companies by Foreign & Domestic Investors - Six Steps Mantra

Joint ventures, strategic alliances and acquisitions are the flavor of the day that enable fast growth focused companies to have rapid inorganic growth and expansion in new sectors. However, prior to engaging in a joint venture relationship or acquisition of an operating Indian company ("Investee company"), either by way of private placement, or secondary market, or subscription of substantial equity share capital, it is advisable for the Investor to carefully and stringently undertake the following six step mantra to avoid future surprises and heartburns:

(i) Due Diligence/Operations Audit: Extensive legal and financial due diligence of the Investee company is advisable to assess Investee company's track record in compliance with Indian laws, statutory obligations and regulations applicable to it. The due diligence exercise (which usually takes between three (3) to four (4) weeks depending on availability of documents) not only enables the Investor to assess potential liabilities, evaluate unknown and potential, disclosed or undisclosed liabilities but also enables the Investor to assess the feasibility and viability of the proposed acquisition and rationalize enterprise valuation. If required, Investor can demand creation of an escrow account for safe deposit of a part of the acquisition cost, parked for an agreed period to mitigate against any future liabilities of the Investee company.

(ii) Resolution of Preliminary Issues: Preliminary issues, if any, arising pursuant to the conduct of the Due Diligence exercise would need to be resolved and a decision taken whether or not to proceed with the acquisition. For example, whether a change of control would affect the ability of the Investee company to carry on its business operations under the current regulatory framework and the approvals and licenses required. Unresolved issues that are not fatal to the acquisition may be identified and negotiated.

(iii) Regulatory/Pricing/Tax Issues: Identification of regulatory and tax issues that may impact the transaction is critical. In case the Investor is a non-resident, foreign direct investment ("FDI") guidelines will also need to be assessed.

FDI either by way of acquisition/transfer of issued equity capital or fresh subscription to the equity capital of Investee company in most sectors is presently unregulated and most sectors barring a few do not require the FDI approval from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board. However, the price at which the transfer takes place will need to conform to the pricing guidelines prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India ("RBI"), i.e., the fair valuation of shares have been done by a chartered accountant as per the prescribed guidelines; and the price per share arrived at has been certified by a chartered accountant. The share consideration in respect of the shares purchased by Investor will need to be remitted to India through the banks authorized to deal in foreign exchange.

In case of transfer of shares to the Investor the transaction would be subject to levy of stamp duty ranging from 0.25% to 0.75% of the value of the shares transferred and payable in accordance with the applicable rates prescribed by the respective State where is the Investee company is registered. The transferor usually bears the stamp duty for the transfer of shares in the absence of a contract to the contrary. Alternatively, Investor can consider to subscribe to the equity share capital of the Investee Company by way of preferential allotment and avoid the stamp duty payable on transfer of shares.

Capital gains arising from transfer of shares (in the event of an acquisition instead of an issue of fresh equity) would attract tax in the hands of the seller, i.e., the existing shareholder of the Investee Company.

(iv) Contract Documentation Preparation: Upon successful resolution of preliminary issues and an affirmative decision to proceed with the acquisition, parties would need to identify and prepare commercial documentation to record their understanding of the transaction and the manner in which such transactions would be closed.

(v) Closing: A reasonable time frame is agreed within which the share acquisition would be consummated. If Closing is delayed, parties may consider to put documents/consideration money in an escrow pending resolution and satisfaction of the closing conditions.

(vi) Post Acquisition Compliances: This would usually include corporate compliances such registration of the share transfer in the statutory books of Investee Company and intimation of change of control that may be required pursuant to any regulatory approvals and licenses already obtained. For instance, Investee Company will need to inform Registrar of Companies and the RBI about the change in the equity structure of the company.

The risk of acquiring an existing operating company with its past baggage of liabilities versus setting up a new company is a critical question that most Investors face. Needless to say, the cumbersome process of setting up a new company, obtaining necessary authorizations from regulatory authorities for establishing an Indian company and growing a new business is always challenging. It is for this reason that mergers and acquisitions are not only common but the preferred way for expansion and growth in the today's fast growing economies.

Seema Jhingan

Areas of Practice:

Infrastructure, Telecommunications, Power, Mergers/Acquisition, Software/Information Technology, Business Process Outsourcing, Media & Entertainment, Private Equity and Venture Capital, General Corporate and Commercial, International Arbitration.

Professional Summary:

Seema Jhingan's practice spans over fourteen years during which she has acquired substantial expertise in representing developers, sponsors/lenders, venture capital investors, international corporations, financial institutions, and other strategic investors involved in the establishment, development and financing of major infrastructure and IT projects in India.

Seema is a Partner with a Delhi Based Law Firm LexCounsel Law Offices and regularly contributes to journals and publications and often takes up speaking engagements. Seema can be reached at

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Equity Method Accounting Makes a Big Difference

Equity method accounting is used when an investing company owns stocks of another affiliate company. There are several different ways of accounting for this ownership, but this method is perhaps the most popular.

Equity method accounting factors in the increase or decease in profits of the invested company. These differences are usually unrealized and not actually obtained by the investing company. The increase or decease is, of course, calculated on the percentage of stocks owned and does not account for dividends paid. For example, if an investor owns 100 shares of an affiliate's stock. And if that stock increases 10%, only those 100 shares will reflect the 10% increase. The investing company will then record that increase as profit on their ledger.

Before going further, it is important to note that if a parent company owns over 50% of a subsidiary company, equity method accounting is not allowed. Consolidated companies are required to combine the financial figures into one statement for the group of entities.

This information, found through equity method accounting, can be very helpful to a company. If understood correctly, the profits or losses of affiliate companies can help forecast the total equity of the company. This total equity can show trends of upward or downward value of the investing company.

If this information is wrongly considered, the effects can leave the company high and dry. Dry, in this case, meaning out of money. If the profits found with the equity method are considered physical liquid assets, the company's operating capital will be wildly off the mark. This is why it is very important to understand that equity method accounting determines value of investments, but rarely shows finances that can be readily used.

Equity method accounting highly increases the appearance of financial standing. Including all investment gains as profit really boosts the income side of the balance sheet. A major advantage to padding this stat is the likelihood of getting loans, raising capital, or getting investors.

Just think, as a loan officer, if a company showed records of $100,000 in profits instead of $75,000. That makes a big impact on whether or not to give a loan and how much to loan out. This scenario works the same for the decision of an outside investor or joint venture opportunity.

Other factors exist as to whether or not an investing company uses equity method accounting or not. There are tax requirements for the amount of investment in the affiliate company. If the investor has significant influence or not and the percent of ownership plays a role in using this method of accounting as well.

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Business Process Utility - The emerging plug-and-play model in Finance and Accounting Outsourcing


As companies look for ways to derive more value from their outsourcing initiatives, BPU (Business Process Utility) is emerging as an option. By aligning people, process and technology, the BPU delivery model is most suitable for transactional processes that are built around standard inputs with well defined outputs. Under the BPU model, the service provider offers a turnkey solution comprised of best-in-class people, processes and technology.

The BPU model lends itself to a unit transaction pricing (aka 'pay-by-the-drink') model and thereby allowing companies to move away from their current 'fixed cost' base to one that provides greater flexibility and predictability in the current economic environment.

Driven by increasing pressure to provide cost savings and process improvements in a competitive marketplace, outsourcing providers are constantly looking for ways to deliver more value to their clients. In the current economic environment, more companies are jumping onto the outsourcing bandwagon in order to realize sustainable cost savings. The FAO (Finance and Accounting Outsourcing) segment, in particular, is witnessing a significant uptick in demand. With the continuing maturation of the market, resulting in tangible benefits, CFOs of multi-national corporations are now aggressively outsourcing their finance and accounting back offices on a global basis. Because of FAO's track record, companies are becoming increasingly comfortable in outsourcing more complex functions such as financial planning and analysis, reporting and treasury, in addition to processes that are unique to their industry and core to their business

The offshore FAO market has evolved considerably over the last few years. The benefits of labor arbitrage are a given; companies now expect their service providers to be accountable for business outcomes. Traditional fixed-cost or headcount driven models alone, built primarily around labor arbitrage, no longer drive outsourcing decisions. Companies are now finding that a consumption and gain-share based model better addresses their needs.

As organizations become more sophisticated about their approach to outsourcing, service providers are developing innovative and efficient delivery approaches. The BPU model is emerging as an attractive option to reduce costs and reduces risks, but deliver faster and better results.

How does the BPU model work?

The BPU delivery model, a managed service solution, is structured as a turnkey offering which helps companies transform their businesses by tapping into standardized processes and unified technology platforms at a much faster pace. However, BPU operates at the process level and is not a solution for the entire finance organization. For a process to be appropriate for BPU delivery, it must be a volume driven activity, with standard inputs, rules-based processing and a standard output. Because the process is standardized, the service provider creates a rules-based technology platform that automates the process significantly. Manual intervention is only required to address exceptions not handled by the rules-based technology. Best practices and technology provide scalability to the process and allows it to be managed as a 'utility'.

BPU can be delivered on a modular basis, so customers can add additional components to the service, but, the end product is not customized for each individual client.

Within the finance and accounting world, processes such as vendor invoice processing, expense claim processing, reconciliations and 1,099 processing are good candidates for BPU delivery.

BPU: The WNS delivery model

BPU is predicated upon the 'pay-by-the-drink' approach, where business processes are viewed as 'utilities' and the customer pays based on actual units consumed. The service provider makes an initial capital investment in the technology platform and is responsible for hosting and maintaining it on an ongoing basis. This 'process-on-demand' approach is increasingly becoming popular among companies that are keen to outsource, but do not wish to commit capital for long-term transformation projects.

Realizing the market potential and the value it brings to customers, especially during an economic downturn, service providers are aggressively developing BPU offerings

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Government Intervention Into Financial Markets Caused the Economic Crisis

The recent boom and bust crisis of our financial markets is not the failure of free market capitalism. It's a result of government intervention into the financial markets.It's this intervention that prevents the free market forces from bringing markets into balance to offset the possibility of runaway booms or busts.

The changing price for any commodity, good, or service in a free market supplies information about the markets associated with that product, coordinates the supply and demand for that product, and supplies incentives or de-incentives about supplying or demanding more of that product.

The financial markets are driven by interest rates which is the price of money. The interest rates determine the matching of the supply of money from savings with the demand for money in the investment and debt-related markets. Increasing interest rates favor the supply of saving but makes investing more expensive. Lower interest rates frustrate the supply of savings but makes investing cheaper. There's a rate that matches these markets under prevailing conditions of institutional incentives and responsibility.

Government intervenes and interferes in the financial markets - undermining free market forces - through its monetary policies. Such policies control the supply of money which, in turn, effects the interest rate.Increasing the supply of money can force down the interest rate (money's price) - just like the over abundance of any product, and vice versa.

But making too much money available in the hands of consumers and government without a commensurate increase in goods and services will bid up the price of those goods and services. This results in inflation - a lowering of the dollar's purchasing power. Too much inflation will force savers and lenders to demand higher interest rates to offset their money's loss of purchasing power during the time they lend it.

Government regulates the money supply to foster growth in the markets to increase productivity and employment, especially to offset current or impending recessions that result in reduced productivity and rising unemployment. Yet at the same time, it tries to minimize too much inflation from occurring. But this perverts and destabilizes the markets.

It regulates lending institutions, guarantees home mortgage loans - under Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac type investment agencies - presumably to protect bank consumers and help citizens acquire homes.

Unfortunately, by trying to regulate the money supply to government's purposes, regulating the banks, and guaranteeing loans, the government undermines or destroys the free market forces that keep the markets balanced with appropriate incentives, de-incentives and responsibilities for savings and investments.

Without free market forces operating, the markets move away from equilibrium and have nothing to keep them from a running away toward boom or bust.

From 2003 to 2007, the government, to offset the recessionary fears from the end of the century equity market bust, expanded the money by 50% through its monetary polices to stimulate investment through 'easy available money or credit'. This unnaturally forced down interest rates to near zero levels and created enormous money availability for investing.

Such low interest rates made direct saving pay very little return, while making investment and borrowing very inexpensive. The result was an enormous housing boom as people - nervous about the recently busted equity markets - invested in real estate. It also frustrated normal savings rates, and highly aggravated the amount of debt consumers incurred.

Booming real estate investments fostered an explosion in mortgages. These were funded by banks, government agencies' guaranteed loans through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and newly created mortgage-backed investments.

For lending institutions and other money suppliers to compete and remain in business under the demands for mortgages with unnaturally low interest rates and rising house prices, they lowered their loan qualifications - and thereby increased the risk to future investors in all mortgage-backed investments.

Lending institutions- along with the government-related agencies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae lowered their loan application requirements so even the noncreditworthy borrowers got loans.

And of course, the government guaranteed those loans which certainly enhanced risk-taking since the government would be picking up the 'check' under any defaults. Mortgage-backed investments packages obscured the underlying loan risks to better compete for offering higher interest rates to investors.

So, the result of the government forcing low interest rates through over expansion of the money supply was to destroy the free market forces resulting in runaway booms driven by 'easy money'. The booms included the mortgage-backed real estate boom, the boom in all the financial investment supporting it, and the debt boom for consumers.

But of course, all booms end when the missing benefits that a free market would supply becomes apparent. What was missing in this government fostered financial crisis was the natural de-incentive for lending - i.e. defaults and the associated investment losses. The bust began in 2008 when the overabundance of noncreditworthy borrowers began defaulting on their loans.

By this time, the money and mortgaged-based investment boom had infiltrated the investments of most of the major financial institutions. Many of these 'default-related' investments became next to worthless causing them enormous losses. Such investment were called 'toxic asset'. With such assets, many large financial institutions, themselves, began to fail. The financial crisis instigated in the U.S. put additional countries into recession.

The recession then made financial institutions wary of lending any money they had for fear of further loan defaults and loss.

And so we're brought back into recession again with productivity down and employment high, after government's interference in the financial markets. But the boom and bust economy has been with us for the last 100 years that the Federal Reserve System has regulated the money supply.

*What's government's position?

'Capitalism - i.e. the free market - doesn't quite work'.

It needs more regulation by government. They say that the whole crisis is the fault of 'greedy lenders' who made irresponsible loans for profits. Of course, the government prevented the free market from working with the natural market forces that would have held lenders to responsible standards. Government forced irresponsible lending by perverting the markets and interest rates by infusion of available money.

*What's government's solution?

'Get us out of recession by expanding the money supply to keep rates low and promote lending' - as usual.

They're bailing out banks with an expansion of the money supply and forcing bankers to lend when they don't feel responsible lending. They want to regulate the banks more and determine what they can and cannot invest in. They even want to regulate how bankers can actually pay themselves salaries and bonuses.

That surely will throw more 'wrenches' into the workings of our institutions.

Slowly we should come out of recession. Business will pick up and depressed housing prices may slowly work their way up. Down the line we can anticipate more booms and busts.

*How would Capitalism - i.e. a free market - handle the economy?

I guess we won't know. That's because of several circumstances.

The government wants to be in control of the economy as much as it can so politicians and regulators can take credit whenever things improve and further blame others and grab more control when things get worse. That's where their power and benefits reside.

And worst still is that there are special interest groups that depend on government intervention. They will push to keep more government intervention since they that's how they make money their money too. All this happens when government just gets to big.

Get the word out.


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China Buses Are On The Move in Latin America

Now Open in Latin America a Dynamics Group of Professional in Bi-languages Spanish / English Call USAITCO "USA International Trade Center Organization Located in Miami Florida USA.

They are looking for a good few Business Person who like to make $150k and up to 1 Million Dollars a year.

This Division of Latin America is Open for Business in Several Product:

China Buses - City Bus, Midi Bus, Mid Bus, Large and Tourism Bus - Industrial, Domestic or Government
Solar Panel - Industrial, Domestic or Government
Wind Power Mill Energy - Industrial, Domestic or Government.
We are Manufacture of More Than 20 Products Need More Information Send Us a Email.
Looking for Business Partners, Intermediary Agents, Country Distributor, Country Local Dealers, Independent Sales Marketing Person, Affiliated Website Sales.

All Products are From China. Please if your are Interesting Call at: +1-305-370-9973 Osvaldo Alvarez or Send Us a Email at: usaitco @

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HIGER BUS Company Limited - one of the fastest developing bus manufacturers in China, is well known for its innovation and prevision in research and development. "Focus on Safety and Service", HIGER...

ZhongTong Bus Holding Co., Ltd., as an excellent example of Chinese bus enterprise, is a joint-stock company with the production specialized in large buses about 40 years. In addition, it is one of earliest companies enlisted in China.

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Sadigh Gallery

Magical Powers Egyptians Believed in Servants for the Afterlife

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Ancient Egyptian Coins

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Book of the Dead-Ancient Egyptian Guide into Afterlife

The Book of the Dead is the name given by Egyptologists to a group of mortuary spells written on sheets of papyrus covered with magical texts and accompanying illustrations called vignettes. These were placed with the dead in order to help them pass throu... Read >

Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 Financials Fixed Asset Management

Microsoft Dynamics GP Fixed Assets helps you create and maintain records of assets such as property, plant equipment and vehicles. This module provides complete tracking of fixed assets from the time they are acquired up to the point when they are retired from use.

Description and Tracking of assets
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Dynamics GP 10.0 Fixed Assets module enables users to efficiently manage the physical inventories - defining the specific assets, where they are located and the condition of each item. Besides tracking leased assets, it also tracks the movement of assets from one location to another as well as the repair and maintenance of the items. Ensuring that the hazard insurance policies are current and up to date is vital in case of catastrophic events and this module keeps track of policy expirations.

Seamless Integration with General Ledger Accounting
Dynamics GP 10.0 Fixed Assets module allows accountants to properly report the state of affairs to the stakeholders such as shareholders and creditors, by providing the means to capitalize, depreciate and dispose assets. This accounting software also provides the capability of demonstrating the impact of Fixed Assets on the General Ledger and keeping Payables, Purchasing, Receivables, Sales and General Ledger tightly integrated and providing a seamless flow without any effort.

Future Projections and Tax Reporting
Forecasting depreciations is a feature within Dynamics GP 10.0 Fixed Assets, which allows projections into the future. Tax reporting is also easily facilitated as it allows the same asset to be depreciated across two different methods and facilitates comparisons. This module also allows users to specify different rules for state and federal taxes, as the taxation may be different. The way it is reported at the corporate level as opposed to the taxation level may be entirely different and Dynamics GP 10.0 accommodates this easily.

Key benefits
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1) The main benefit of using Dynamics GP 10.0 Fixed Assets is that it allows you to create an unlimited number of book classes. Book Class records allow you to group assets according to how depreciation should be handled when reporting to Federal, State, and Corporate levels. Book class records can also be used to group assets based on type of property, depreciation method, depreciable life and averaging convention.

2) It enables you to define 15 user defined fields in the Fixed Asset Company window. This facilitates flexibility and scalability across many industries.

3) Accuracy of data is maintained, since only valid data can be entered in the transactional windows based on the Book class, Location, Account Groups and Insurance Classes etc. that have been pre-defined.

4) Fixed Assets enables complete flexibility as depreciation can be calculated for a single asset, an asset class, a group of assets, assets in a particular book or all assets.

5) Depreciation projections can be run, to forecast the potential impact in the future without affecting the Fixed Asset files.

6) If there are any changes to fixed assets, Dynamics GP 10.0 allows you to reset the depreciation for the current year or to the beginning of the life of the asset or to depreciate forward using the new data.

7) Mass changes can be processed easily, for retiring assets. Once the asset is retired, the gain or loss is automatically calculated based on the selling price and the net book value.

8) Mass changes can also be processed for transfers of assets. Whether the asset is transferred or received, the appropriate depreciation is automatically allocated for the transferring asset and this depreciation will be calculated on the transfer date of the asset.

9) There are numerous reports that come standard with the Fixed Assets module. These reports can be easily modified or customized to meet the company's user requirements.

10) The inquiry window allows you to trace the origin of the transaction even if it came from outside of the Fixed Asset module.

11) There is seamless integration between Fixed Assets, Purchasing Order Processing, Payables and General Ledger, without any additional work on the part of the users.

For more information on Microsoft Dynamics-GP 10.0, please visit Integrity Partners online at or call 888.869.4090 ext 701. The Certified Microsoft Partner Firm Integrity Partners provides Microsoft Dynamics- GP ( formerly known as Great Plains) install & ongoing services for the following regions: New York, NY, Brooklyn NY, Bronx NY, Queens NY, All Areas of Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Nassau County ,Suffolk County ,Westchester County ,Rockland County, Putnam County , Orange County , Dutchess County , Ulster County ,Northern New Jersey , Hudson County , Union County , Essex County, Passaic County , Bergen County ,Morris County ,Middlesex County , Monmouth County , Mercer County , Hunterdon County , Somerset County , Ocean County (North of Toms River) , Sussex County, Southwestern Connecticut , Fairfield County , New Haven County , Litchfield County, Newark, New Jersey , Jersey City, New Jersey, Yonkers, New York, Paterson, New Jersey, Bridgeport, Connecticut, Elizabeth, New Jersey , New Haven, Connecticut ,Stamford, Connecticut , Waterbury, Connecticut, Edison, New Jersey. New York City Great Plains consultants, Microsoft Dynamics GP Consultant NYC, NYC Dynamics GP consultants, NYC Great Plains Consultants, NYC Microsoft Great Plains Partner, Microsoft Dynamics GP partners in NY, microsoft dynamics gp consultants, microsoft dynamics gp firm, Microsoft Dynamics GP New Jersey, Microsoft Dynamics GP NJ, Microsoft Dynamics GP Partners, Microsoft Dynamics GP Training, Accounting Software, accounting software, business management accounting software, ERP Software, GP 10.0, GP 9.0, Great Plains accounting software, Great Plains Software, Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0, Microsoft Great Plains, microsoft great plains consultants, microsoft great plains firm, Microsoft Great Plains New Jersey, Microsoft Great Plains New York, Microsoft Great Plains NJ, Microsoft Small Business Financials, Small business accounting software. Integrity Partners does provide National & International Microsoft Dynamics-GP Services as well.

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Binary Options Trading Making It Easy to Make Money Day Trading

The new field of binary options trading has opened whole new worlds of opportunity for day trading for high yields. Simple up (calls) or down (puts) positions are yielding 60% or more to successful traders.

Emerging Binary Options Trading Program Simplifies Day Trading
Binary options trading is an exciting emerging field in the world of investing. As the name implies, there are only two potential outcomes in a binary options trading contract - win or lose. The way most contracts are structured there is a fixed payout for win (typically 75% profit plus return of initial investment), while the lose payout is typically around a 15% return of capital. Maybe a few numbers would help.

Small Day Trading Positions Reap High Yields
A successful $200 trade in a binary options trading contract would pay $350 ($200 initial investment plus 75% profit), while an unsuccessful trade might pay $30 (15% of the original $200 investment). It does seem strange to receive a return of some capital on an incorrect action, but that helps make the market work - and really creates some interesting hedging opportunities. It's almost like getting a 'parting gift' on a game show, no?

Limited (But Well Known) Securities to Trade
There are some limitations on the available opportunities to participate in this market, as there presently aren't a wide variety of securities traded on it. On the other hand, those few securities which are traded on the binary options trading markets are extremely well known, highly liquid securities such as the US Dollar/Yen fx rate, Google, Nasdaq Index, and Microsoft.

Quick Turnover Pleases Active Day Traders
One great aspect of this type of investment is the quick turnover rate of investments. Options expire hourly, meaning your investment payoff occurs within the same day - rather than the weeks, months, and years it may take to see a return in other forms of investments.

Low Starting Capital Opens Door to Small Cap Investing
Another really great aspect of this emerging market is the low barriers to entry. It only takes $100 to open account - a stark comparison to the ten thousand dollars needed to open a traditional options account with your regular brokerage.

Learn More About Binary Options Trading
Binary options trading is a low cost, fast paced, high return way of making money fast in the stock market. Because the trades expire hourly and have a simple up or down payout structure they are easy to understand and manage. Open a binary options trading account. It can take only two successful $200 day trades to net $300/day in profit.

Steve B. Wise

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Creating Leaders of Tomorrow at Indus International School, Pune

Indus International School Pune is an international school with a difference. It's a trendsetter among IB Schools in Pune - and indeed, India too. Unlike others who offer only the IB Diploma Programme, Indus provides full-spectrum IB curriculum, starting with IB Primary Years Programme from KG up through the IB Middle Years Programme to the IB Diploma Programme in grades 11 & 12.
The first Indus International School was established in Bangalore in 2002. As per an All India Survey commissioned recently by Education World and conducted by Cfore Consulting, Indus International Bangalore has been ranked 4th among India's most respected schools in 2009.
With such proven skills and expertise, Indus has opened 2 more International Baccalaureate Schools in India - at Hyderabad and Pune.
Established in 2008, Indus International Pune is a fully residential school with day scholar and week boarding options too. The impressive 40-acre, wi-fi-enabled campus, just outside Pune, offers a world class infrastructure wherein students enjoy the finest facilities for academics, sports, technology and other extra-curricular activities. This world-class setting, combined with the exceptional faculty and systems, is certain to place this school among the Top 10 Residential Schools in India.
An important aspect of Indus International is its vision to create "the leaders of tomorrow" - caring, well-rounded, global citizens who have the skills, knowledge and temperament to face the challenges of a dynamic world.
To achieve this objective, Indus includes a full-spectrum IB curriculum right from age 3; a Leadership Institute to train students in the practical aspects of leadership; a Teachers' Training Academy to ensure our faculty have the skills and knowledge to be ‘facilitators' of leadership; community service to inculcate empathy for the less privileged; a Parental Advisory Committee to encourage parental participation in all aspects and policies of the school; and corporate governance that is transparent and democratic, involving students, parents, faculty and management.

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