Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lawyer- Deciding Our Pre Law Major

What to think about when deciding on a pre-law major : Studying to become a lawyer will need you to make a number of choices. You will have to choose on your pre-law major, your LSAT preparation, what law college you will apply to, and the type of lawyer that you want to become. This article will target what you must consider when you are deciding your pre-law major. While many schools and varsities have pre-law majors or catalogues of commended classes for pre-law students, selecting a precise path to law school is not easy, as there are many different trails that you can choose from. Understanding yourself and your goals is the most significant thing in choosing the right trail for you. Becoming a lawyer requires lots of effort, including at least 7 years of education. Prospective lawyers spend the 1st 4 years of their schooling at a varsity or college, obtaining an undergraduate degree. The 1st decision that these prospective lawyers need to make is pertaining to their undergraduate major. Common pre-law majors include English, History, Philosophy, and Political Science, as each of these significant gives the undergraduate insights that may help in their future legal education. So what should you consider when you are deciding on a pre-law major? The rest of this article gives you 4 different points to consider : 1. Your abilities As it should be for everything in your life, your initial concern for a pre-law major should be your abilities. For example, if you are academically strongest in economics, you may want to consider a degree in pre-law or economics, which can cause a vocation as a company lawyer. If you like writing, you may wish to consider a major in English to improve your writing and urgent thinking skills, talents that are tested during the LSAT and as a lawyer. Doing so will boost your chances of success, as you will be more at the mercy of improvement in a subject that you are naturally talented at. 2. Your interests when you are a deciding a major, you should follow your interests. If you choose a major that interests you, you'll be that much more likely to work hard and enjoy your undergraduate education. It could lead to better performance in your courses, and a high GPA is at least half of the factors considered in your law faculty applications ( the other half which is your LSAT score ). You can then have chosen to be a particular specialized lawyer when you are accepted into law faculty. 3. LSAT As formerly mentioned, your LSAT score will be a determining factor on your approval to a good law faculty. When choosing a pre-law major, you must select a major that may help you get ready for the LSAT. It was discovered a few years ago by law faculty deans the four best majors to prepare a potential lawyer for the LSAT were English ( or literature ), history, philosophy, and political science. It is also recommended that students take the most demanding courses to best prepare for the LSAT and life as a lawyer. 4. Target the law Taking courses that target law can prepare you for law school and the study of law. It's critical, though, to target other stuff too. Law faculty is formed to prepare you totally for the study and understanding of law that you are going to need as a lawyer. Use your undergraduate degree to make preparations for the LSAT. General law courses can help you just do that.

Top 5 Nursing Specializations

There are numerous specializations that nurses can go into once they finish school and begin working in the field. These nursing specializations can be categorized based on the setting that the nurse works in and the type of care they provide. Following are the top 5 nursing specializations categorized by work setting and type of care:
1.Ambulatory Care Nurses: After getting a BSN degree, you can choose to become an ambulatory care nurse. This involves treating patients with a variety of illnesses, conditions and injuries in any outpatient care setting.
2.Critical Care Nurses: These are the nurses who work in intensive care units, critical care units and even in helicopters en route to nearby facilities. They specialize in treating patients with serious issues such as cardiovascular, pulmonary or respiratory failure, including heart attacks and strokes.
3.Home Health Care Nurses: Many patients require specialized nursing services at home after they are recovering from extreme or complicated accidents, child births or surgeries. People with acute illnesses may also require home health care nurses who administer blood, fluids and medications while monitoring the patient's health on a daily basis. Sometimes this might be a short-term job, and other times it might be very long term, if the patient has a very serious condition requiring around the clock care.
4.Ob/Gyn Nurses: These are the RNs who work in maternity units and gynecologist's offices alongside doctors who care for women in their family planning and birthing processes.
5.Psychiatric Nurses: Many nurses in training are going to school to become psychiatric nurses because this is such a growing field. These nurses help treat patients who are suffering from mental conditions either in out-patient or in-patient settings. Their duties involve assisting psychiatric doctors, administering medications, and providing patient care.
Other top nursing specializations include radiologic nurses who provide care to patients undergoing diagnostic radiation procedures, holistic nurses who work with alternative medicines, rehabilitation nurses who work with patients who have temporary and permanent disabilities, and surgical nurses who work with surgeons during operations. These are all great fields to go into after you get your degree.

Find detail information about top nursing schools and best nursing degrees to start career in nursing at Choose the best nursing programs and perfect nursing school for you and start your path to a rewarding career.

How to Use the Dewey Decimal System Easily

Knowledge was available in your nearest library. You could order a book and, if they didn't have it, maybe they'd get it from another library that did. Of course, many libraries now have free internet access, which is useful for looking up things online. With more facilities, it should be more convenient for the user to access information.

However, using library would be easier if we are familiar with the system of organizing information in library, known as Dewey Decimal System. Maybe you already know it. Here just to remind you a while.

The Dewey Decimal System organizes information into 10 wide areas, which are broken into smaller and smaller topics. Different topics are assigned numbers, known as "call numbers." For example, "Animals" are given the number 599. To see what books the library at present has in on animals, go to the nonfiction shelves and find the books that have a 599 as element of their call number. A list of some of the information you can discover in the various Dewey Decimal areas, appears below.

000 General Knowledge: Almanacs, Encyclopedias, Libraries, Museums, Newspapers ...

100 Psychology and Philosophy: Death & Dying, Ethics, Feelings, Logic, Making Friends, Optical Illusions, Superstitions ...

200 Religions and Mythology: Amish, Bible Stories, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Quakers, and other world religions; Greek, Roman and other myths...

300 Social Sciences and Folklore: Careers, Customs, Environment, Families, Folktales, Government, Manners, Money, Recycling ...

400 Languages and Grammar: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Sign Language, Spanish. Includes dictionaries.i...

500 Math and Science: Animals, Biology, Chemistry, Dinosaurs, Fish, Geology, Insects, Physics, Planets, Plants ...

600 Medicine and Technology: Computers, Cookbooks, Engineering, Farming, Health, Human Body, Inventions, Manufacturing, Nutrition ...

700 Arts & Recreation: Architecture, Crafts, Drawing, Games, Jokes, Music, Puppets, Songbooks, Sports ...

800 Literature: Children's Literature, Plays, Poetry, Shakespeare, Writing ...

900 Geography and History: Biographies, Countries, Native Americans, States, Travel, Wars ...

You can find out more about the Dewey Decimal System and how it works in the books about the Dewey Decimal System available in library itself. Feel free, just ask the librarians there, they would be happy to help you.

For other cool tips and info, visit his site

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The History of the Boxer Dog

Most historians of canines trace the origins of the Boxer back to the mid-19th century, when the type was developed by German Breeders through the crossing a German breed called the Bullenbeisser with the English Bulldog.

Today, the Boxer comes in numerous varieties of two distinct phenotypes, fawn and brindle. Additionally, coat patterns can be anywhere from extremely ‘flashy' ( to the point of looking white) to "reversed brindle" (which gives the appearance of being black).

A look at the history of the Boxer helped us to better understand not only the physical aspects of our dogs, but also many of his behavioral patterns.

As we mentioned above Boxer dog history includes a mix of the now extinct Bullenbeisser and the English Bulldog.

The history and the noble characteristics of both breeds are combined in the present day Boxer so we begin our history with an in depth look at both parent breeds and even delve a bit into their predecessors.

The English Bulldog is, of course, alive and well, so we'll leave the reader to do their own research on that breed. The Boxer dog history here focuses more on the predecessors that are either now extinct or not as well known.

The Bullenbeisser (Bull Biter)

Due to extensive cross-breeding (which spawned breeds such as today's Boxer) there are no longer any "pure Bullenbeissers"(right).

Historians believe the 'Bullenbesser' name was used interchangeably with 'Barenbeisser'(Bear Biter) in the 18th and 19th century in Central Europe.

The closest living example of the breed can be found in the Spanish Alano though this breed is probably considerably smaller than the Bullenbeisser.

The Bullenbeisser was a hunting dog of a very "hands on" type- that is: it wasn't a retriever of kills, but rather was charged with catching and holding down the hunted animals ( usually Bears or Wild Boar) until their masters arrived to finish the kill. Such hunts must have been something to behold!

In my opinion this trait in Boxer dog history plays out today in the way Boxers love to jump up when they meet a friend, traits that would have been useful in bringing down a reared up bear.

Also you can see some of their past in the unique way they literally "box" their toys into the ground. They pound everything: balls, toys, shoes, you name it, with both front paws in a way I haven't seen other breeds do. I think this can all be traced back to the hunt.

In fact, one of my Boxers likes to hold down stray cats that venture into our garden! She never bites, just pins them down till we tell her to let the tabby go.

The Bullenbeissers, in turn count as ancestors, the fighting dogs known as the Alaunts, which were brought as war dogs to Europe from Asia minor by the Alan invaders beginning in circa 370 AD.

The Alaunts

The Alaunt's masters, the Alani, were an Indo-Iranian people who are noted in history as exceptional animal husbandrymen, especially of horses and dogs. As a nomadic people they bred their dogs for working, either as shepherds or as guard dogs.

In about 370 AD the Alan were forced into a diaspora by the conquering Huns and were sundered into three groups. The group of interest to our study is the one who joined with the with the Vandals in their invasion of Gaul (France).

During the migration into Gaul the Alani turned their attention to breeding dogs of war- and these dogs took part in many famous battles between 370 and the 6th Centrury AD, during which period the Alans were subsumed by the Franks and the Visigoths.

For example, descendants of today's Boxers took part in the Battle of Chalons, where Attilla the Hun was finally repelled from Europe.
In the interest of knowing our dogs better, it is useful to note the pastoral/ warrior mix in the Alaunt- such ancestry helps explain not only today's Boxer's strong athletic build and powerful jaws, but also why they are universally recognized as one of the gentlest dogs with children and other creatures smaller than themselves.

They have an instinct to care for the harmless, but have no fear in the face of a strong opponent.

Of the Alaunts own ancestry, the Alabai still exits today. These are a Central Asian Shepherd Dog, and most of today's Alabai live in Russia. This ancestry pre-dates the Alani's migration into Asia Minor.

However, the Alaunt's masters bred the Alabai with the hounds of South Asia and Persia- these hounds are direct descendants of today's Whippets and Greyhounds, which helps explain the speed and grace found in some (not all!) Boxers. These genes may also partially explain why today's Boxer Dog is short haired.

The Italian Greyhound (left) may be indicative of the dogs that formed this part of the present day Boxer Dog lineage.

The Alani (and the groups with which they later amalgamated) migrated to, or conquered lands throughout Europe, and in each corner of Europe their dogs, the Alaunts evolved differently, in accordance with their environments and the work that they were used for.

The Alabi and Hound mixes that evolved in present day Germany and Central Europe became known as the Bullenbeisser.

The specific strain identified as the 'Brabanter' Bullenbeisser was the branch selected by German breeders Roberth, Konig and Hopner in the late 1870s to cross with the English Bulldog to create the German Boxer.

The Brabanter was primarily a hunting dog (boars) of the nobles. Periodic literature caricatures them as a "powerful, strong and agile" dog.

In spite of the working dog nature of the Brabanter Bullenbeisser, they were also described as household pets when they were not working, proving to be "trustworthy, loving and protective to the women and children".

Since the Brabanter was the smaller of the bull baiter types of the era, scholars believe that it was probably used as a house dog as well as a worker- a part of Boxer dog history that is reflected in the gentle, if playful, nature of the breed today.

Early Boxers

In the early 20th century the breed that was to become the Boxer Dog was about 50% Bullenbeisser and 50% English Bulldog.

However, German breeders continued to introduce more Bullenbeisser blood into the breed. Today the mix is estimated at about 70% Bullenbeisser 30% English Bulldog. This is an important time in Boxer dog history as it not only altered the breed's colors, but also added an element of grace to the dog's make-up as the breed began to look more "Brabanter" and less "Bull Dog".

Early Boxer Dogs were also predominantly white dogs.
It wasn't long after the first German Boxer show in 1902 that the type was standardized as a breed.

The reason for the introduction of more Bullenbeisser blood into the breed was to dilute the white color genes of the Bulldog, most probably, for military purposes before WW I and during the inter-war years. White Boxers were too visible at night.

Boxer dogs were distinguished guard, attack and medic dogs during both great wars.

Phillip Stockman, husband of Fr. Friedrun Stockman, (one of the more important early breeders of the German Boxer and an important part of Boxer Dog History) set up the German Army's Boxer training program for WWI.

Anyone who has seen a brindle or reverse brindle Boxer dog at night will attest to the breeders' success in selectively breeding a natural camouflage into the German Boxer.

They are practically invisible at night, even under a bright moon. Yet another (and hopefully the last) example of a battle trait bred into this otherwise fun-loving and affectionate dog.

Homemade Bookbinding Tutorial

If you have a large digital library of ebooks, chances are you are tired of reading them on the computer screen. It is actually quite simple to bind your own books using this simple bookbinding tutorial.

In about five minutes you can create your own books with professional results.

First, print the ebook on A4 paper. You can actually use 8 1/2x11 sheets and just cut them in half. use stronger paper to avoid ink bleedthroughs.

Take your book pages and stack them together, then tap them on a flat surface until all the sheets are flat and lined up. You want to make sure they are very close and neatly stacked.

Next you will need to use your homemade bookbinding machine to bind the books. This is very easy to make and doesn't cost much to set up. Or if you wish you can just use a phone book or other flat, large surface to hold the pages in line.

Then, wet the spine using glue such as Gorilla Glue. This glue is good because it expands and fills gaps, and also holds tight. Dampen the spine with water using a slightly wetted cotton ball. Then apply the glue using a cotton ball.

While the glue is drying, you can measure out the cover using some heavy card stock in legal size. It's a good idea to fold the edges of the cover before you bind the book so that it will fold over the pages without strain.

For a 5.5 inch page, measure 5.5. inches and make a light mark on the cover. Then do the same for the newly bound pages.

When the glue on the spine has dried, insert the cover underneath the newly bound pages.

Want to read the rest of this guide?

Visit Bookbinding Tutorial

Obedience to Authority

Obedience is an essential part of everyday life of members of modern society. This word has become a synonym of good work and quality performance in the work place. People who are obedient are more likely to be accepted by the society and comforted by it, because disobedience usually means severe consequences especially when an order or a request comes from someone in direct authority to the object. In today's world people are becoming more and more distanced from their own understanding of things happening around them and thus are easily involved in matters that might be highly unpleasant for them. This happens because the major responsibility is taken by someone, a usually unseen and remote person who is in charge. The comprehension of the whole matter does not occur to the obedient object and thus for both parties, those who order and those who perform, it is much easier now to do things that would not be done if complete responsibility was taken by a single person.

Stanley Milgram's experiment is well known as an experiment of human willingness to obey the orders of authority, even if there is no real authority and no necessity to follow the orders. The whole experiment was based on the ‘teachers' and ‘learners' functions, one of them being asked questions and the other answered. The ‘learner' was an actor who pretended to experience pain from shocks that were given to him by the ‘teacher' in case of a wrong or no answer. The experiment has revealed numerous interesting observations which were not evident about human nature prior to its start. It became clear that people no matter what profession they held, or if they were employed at all were eager to please an authority figure, who in this situation was the experimenter, professor in a white coat. The evidence of a serious experiment proved by the appropriate environment, as in a real scientific laboratory, made ‘teachers' behave in a determined way and imposed a meaning of high significance of what they were doing. Moreover the presence of the professor made them ‘punish' a wrong answer severer than when he was talking to them over the phone. It shows that people are more likely to follow orders when the authority figure is in their obvious proximity.

Another side of the experiment carried a social meaning to the ‘teachers' and even when the person in the electric chair started screaming as if from pain, 65% of them continued increasing the voltage as they were told so by the professor. They were eager to please the authority and also did not want to look impolite or unreliable. This feeling of higher power over them ordering what to do and realization of the importance of the experiment strengthened by white walls of the lab unified into desire to continue obeying.

A few people in the course of the experiment requested to stop it and refused to continue when the screaming from the nest room began. Those people explained their behavior by not willing to be responsible for the lives or health of those under shock. It is clear that those people understood and took consequences of this experiment as their own personal responsibility and were not ready to take it. From that one can make a conclusion that when people feel the weight of the consequences in the future for what they do now, they are not likely to follow orders that can lead to bed results, personally for them. They are thinking from the perspective of their individual life not from the perspective of doing harm and causing pain for others, although that also could be one of the factors.

An interesting notion of people's self imagine is also an important factor that has to be taken into consideration when investigation obedience to authority. When a person is used to see a certain image of himself/herself it is difficult to make them believe different. Thus when something is ordered that contradicts with their usual self image, people tend to disregard the experience or interpret it in a way that would suit their life. In the Milgram's experiment ‘teachers' viewed themselves and what they were doing as an important discovery in the scientific world rather than a pain causing trial. It follows that humans are most likely to obey when they believe in the good and important side of the matter and when they are assured in their goodness. Basically the combination of the authoritative command, respect for the authority, willingness to be a good member of the team, and a feeling of self importance typically contributes to obedience.

For more information click here

Should I Obtain An Expired Domain Name For My Tiny Small business Site?

A great domain title with a properly-developed web-site will score properly with the lookup engines irrespective of the identify tail. Though there are roughly 20 gazillion internet websites on the net, you can make yours stand out if you do your research properly and purchase the appropriate domain identify.As ever before, the question posed by the title is greatest answered by the all-function phrase, "It is dependent." Believe me, I know how annoying that response can be, but as is frequently the situation, it genuinely does depend on a selection of factors. Expired domains, or "dropped" domains as they are known by some, and "deleted" domains by some others, are nothing far more than domain names whose registration was permitted to lapse they went from staying World wide web addresses to digital ghosts. They are now back again in the digital market waiting for anyone to come along and reanimate them for a small price.If the new registrant is lucky, the identify he picks will be a single that will increase his sales and profits by boosting his web page rank. This comes about for the reason that the former owner's several, quality incoming inbound links have not yet been cancelled by the connecting internet sites. Additionally, some Seo (Search Engine Optimization) professionals think that the fewer outgoing links, the far better, and due to the fact the newly revived domain identify has none, it is a win-win situation for web page rank.If on the other hand the new registrant chooses a name that ran afoul of the significant lookup engines in its previous existence, he may possibly discover himself with some unwelcome troubles of his unique. Google, the eight-hundred-pound gorilla of search engines, can be specifically unforgiving of people it feels tried using to acquire advantages of its excellent nature. For all practical intents, a domain under Google interdict disappears from the world wide web even the electronic mail daemon are not able to find them. Good luck with trying to get the name back into their beneficial graces: prayer could possibly help god is less difficult to get to than Google. A further issue results if the domain belonged to a spammer in its past living: it may well be on a selection of blacklist and e mail delivery and reception could be problematical.Obtaining if the domain is blacklisted is simple adequate. Run a search for "domain blacklists" and a number of useful internet sites will appear on the search listing. If it is blacklisted, the web-site will possibly be ready to give you handy directions in receiving the domain title off it. The Google challenge is more challenging to discover and harder to fix. 1 feasible research approach is to form the pursuing into the Google Lookup box: If a photograph of the old website seems, there really should be no trouble. If it doesn't...perfectly, it in fact proves next to nothing. Untrue positives (which means no photograph) are common. How to be convinced? Make contact with Google...and pray!one in Google for Working Sneakers. The previous operator has been marketing operating footwear for 10 years, get tons of inbound hyperlinks (4.500 primarily superior excellent backlinks) and is a well identified website.three.

For more information click here

Help Desk Solutions for Small Business

Unwinding Help Desk Needs:

Modern technology is on the threshold to improve management processes in small business enterprises. The key areas are customer service & support management. Customer support is an indispensable part of any business proposition. Customer satisfaction in modern day world is directly proportionate to a company's bottom line and growth prospects. A company with good product and excellent customer handling always emerges as the winner. Thanks to the widely available customer support software making it possible for small enterprises to achieve the desired goals.

Unearthing the gaps:

Customer support is a widely emphasized service that most business concerns preach and practice. A comprehensive support service to control and manage customer queries towards providing prompt solutions is what business enterprises look for. The progressive business trends have a clearly defined objective to maximize the productivity and sales.

However,there are some bottlenecks involved in the procedure. Due to the disorganized structure in receiving queries,quite often the queries fail to reach the correct person who can actually solve the issue. The customer queries are very diverse thereby making it difficult for the email service to prioritize the queries according to the urgency. There is no proper arrangement wherein the support executives can view the assigned queries. There is no channel/room for discussions among the persons handling the queries due to restricted access settings. The entire process of resolving issues becomes tedious.The email service is not considered reliable and prompt by many customers. As a result,the number of authentic and regular customer queries goes down and the email functionality falls short of its purpose.

Unfolding the Remedy:

With an array of help desk systems offering enhanced customer support facilities, small business enterprises can choose a system that has features compatible with their organizational setting. Apart from the basic requirement of installing a web based system with the essential plugins, the core functionality should be focused on attaining optimum customer satisfaction. Categorization of queries sent by customers helps in proper delegation and coordination of tasks among support staff. Customer support is never complete without the scope for knowledge gaining & knowledge sharing in the organization. The support system that provides an updated database on related issues helps solve similar queries in lesser time. A reliable help desk system will surely gain the goodwill of many customers. An effective support system will broaden the scope of growth and profitability for small business concerns.

Help Desk Pilot is a complete web based help desk software with an amiable user-interface and enables organizations to effectively maintain customer support and service. This is a flagship product of Tenmiles Corporation.

For more information click here

ERP Modules for Your Small Business

While many ERP systems are available on the market in the form of suites, it may be best, for your small business, to mix and match ERP modules instead. Most ERP modules that are distributed in suites are tailored for specific industries such as architecture, manufacturing and construction. Thus, if your business has nothing to do with these industries, it�s best � and cheaper � to purchase modules that match the requirements of your business process.

ERP, in the most basic of senses, aims to standardize business processes and to store all data that your company deals with. And while the original focus of ERP systems is the manufacturing industry, the system has developed to provide for the most basic or fundamental aspects of any business. These aspects are finance, HR or human resource and operations.

Finance is concerned with all accounting processes of a business, or all financial transactions of the business like accounts payable, accounts receivable and of course, the general ledger. HR, on the other hand, deals with matters concerning people-related processes, such as tracking time rendered, labor rendered and payroll. Operations, lastly, deals with the core function of the company or organization. Manufacturing companies, for instance, have the supply chain, inventory, sales, procurement and transport.

It is recommended for small businesses belonging to any industry to avail from the use of the first two basic ERP modules. These modules, if implemented properly, can dramatically improve your company�s efficiency. And if you are lucky enough to find a module that can facilitate your company�s operations, in case you don�t belong to the industries mentioned earlier, you can significantly boost your productivity through an operation module, especially if the developer provides small business IT consulting. This can help you maximize the use of your combination of modules.

Moreover, before purchasing any of these modules, you must make sure that the developer you intend to purchase from offers support, may it be computer networking support or IT consulting. These, along with ERP system or module training, ensure that your ERP modules would be implemented properly and that all functions and capabilities would be maximized.

You can never fully grasp the importance of training and the more focused small business IT consulting until you encounter a problem with your new ERP system. It�s best to have security when this happens.

Simple Bookkeeping for Small Business Proprietorships and Home-based Businesses

Starting a small business out of your home, offering products or services like business consulting, photography, selling on the web or a MLM? You are now faced with tracking all your expenses and revenues for your business and you certainly don't have the money yet to engage a bookkeeper or accountant. If your business is a sole proprietorship, whether it be a Canadian Proprietorship or a US-based Proprietorship, you do not require an accountant to submit your company financials (books) to the IRS (USA) or Revenue Canada). Your business revenue and losses are reported as part of your annual personal income tax. For this small business start-up, you won't need to buy fancy accounting software, like Quick Books or AccPac to track your business. Only as part of incorporating Bizfare Enterprise Inc in 2005 was it a requirement to engage an accountant. My accountant did insist on using Quick Books software for my business accounting. Up until then using a simple spreadsheet template served my business accounting needs for over ten years. This simple spreadsheet accounting stood the test of multiple audits by Revenue Canada (CRA and Revenue Canada Goods and Services Tax. Both the hardcopy columnar pad and an electronic spreadsheet version of my financial books were accepted by Revenue Canada. (BTW the audits disclosed more ways for me to claim back additional taxes for the previous three years! Now that's my type of audit!)In your new start-up business venture, you likely will generate somewhere between 10 to 30 accounting transactions per month. These transactions would be items like Expense, Revenue (sales), Liability (Loan) type transactions and Sales Tax (Federal + State/Provincial) Collection/Deductions. These transactions are further broken down into various Business Accounts. All the Accounts you set up for your business is called a Chart of Accounts. Recording your business financial transactions (Journal Entries) can be executed with pen and ink on an accounting columnar pad or electronically with your computer using a spreadsheet program (MS Excel, Open Office, Star Office). Whether you employ electronic or hardcopy media, you need to develop a simple Journal template to create your Business Synoptic Journal. This Synoptic Journal format has the advantage of allowing you a complete view of all your individual journal entry transactions against all your various Business Accounts. Creating this Synoptic Journal is easier to do than you think and requires no prior accounting or bookkeeping knowledge. TIP 1: You could further reduce the accounting line items (Journal Entries) by consolidating like items such as 'all the Sales for the month' and 'all parking receipts for the month' into one totaled line item for the month.Where do you start to identify the various Business Accounts required for your Synoptic Journal?If you currently work for a company or government, secure of one of their employee expense forms. Look at each of the areas identified as expenses - meals, mileage, hotel accommodations, taxi, car rental, telephone & cell phone, air fare, office supplies, etc. This is an excellent place to identify the various Business Expense Accounts you need to set up for your business accounting books. To complete your business Chart of Accounts, include a Business Bank Account, Sales, COGS (Cost of Goods Sold), Sales Tax Collection, Marketing Expense and others as required. Each of these Accounts will be a listed as a title across the top of each column of your Synoptic Journal. Each row (line item) will be the individual journal transactions entered by you. The journal transactions are grouped and summarized for each business month; usually, January through December.

So your Synoptic Journal would look something like this Sample Synoptic Journal at column headings might be in this order (from left to right):DATE | DESCRIPTION | BANK DEPOSITS | BANK WITHDRAWALS | SALES REVENUE | COGS | SALES TAX COLLECTED & REMITTED | OFFICE SUPPLIES EXPENSE | EXPENSE 2 | EXPENSE 3 | ETC TIP 2: Unless your business is Incorporated or an LLC, you don't need to go through the expense of opening a business account with your bank. Usually Business accounts charge a higher monthly fee, charge for printing checks (cheques) and don't offer any interest on your monthly account balance. Instead, open a separate personal bank account (maybe savings). This will show the 'taxman' that you are keeping the business separate from your personal banking. Remember you are a sole proprietor and all your business income (and losses) are to be applied directly to your personal income tax submission ( a s per IRS and CRA).To save you time and make is very simple, I have already created a simple spreadsheet Synoptic Journal template that performs all the calculations for each month and rolls up the 12 business months so it can easily be included in your annual personal income tax preparation. This Synoptic Journal template has Debit/Credit checks and balances, tracks sales taxes, mileage and totals each account for your entire fiscal year. If you want this FREE Bookkeeping template, you can get it at Communicate Innovate. With a few key strokes, which will help identify yourself, I will gladly send you this FREE Synoptic Journal Template and also any future Small Business Tips.TIP 3: One Rule of Accounting is that every time you record a journal entry (line item which applies the transaction against the appropriate business accounts) the Debits and Credits MUST REMAIN EQUAL at ALL Times. This Debit Equals Credit calculator is built into this FREE Bookkeeping Template. When you have completed entering a line item (journal transaction), check to ensure that the amount the the Debit cell equals the amount in the Credit cell. If they are not equal, you have not entered the amounts properly in your journal transaction. Correct the problem before entering your next journal entry.You are now equipped to capture your business financial books with some simple accounting software. Happy bookkeeping! And Happy Selling!

MS Outlook based CRM Software to Manage Your Small Business Sales, Marketing & Customer Service

If you are shopping for a small business Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solution and you run MS Outlook, the answer might be closer at hand than you realise!

Not familiar with CRM applications? CRM software will revolutionize the way you approach the sales, marketing and service aspects of your business. Your sales will flourish through improved sales tracking and automation; your customer service and customer loyalty will strengthen with enhanced relationship management and your marketing costs will be reduced through better targetting.

Microsoft Outlook does a good job of managing one's email, but is burdened by a weak database engine, and it certainly cannot perform all the tasks expected of a CRM solution. But what if it could?

Entree this relatively new breed of Outlook based CRM products. They do more than merely integrate to MS Outlook - they are actually embedded inside Outlook and appear as an integral part of the system. So when you open up your MS Outlook you are automatically opening your CRM system, too.

There are many advantages to Outlook based CRM software compared to alternative CRM solutions.

Here are a few benefits you can typically expect:
* Cost savings. These Outlook based CRM applications are often considerably less expensive per seat than their counterparts.
* The standard features of Outlook are greatly enhanced. You will enjoy better sales automation, marketing and customer service functionality, as well as improved email, document, task and reporting management.
* Strengthened database. Most vendors use more robust database engines than the standard Outlook PST database. One can manage bigger lists quicker, more reliably and efficiently. Some also offer an upgrade path to industrial strength SQL database engines if needed.
*Database sharing. You can now share your Outlook database/s (or, in Outlook terminology, Addressbooks) across your network.
*No need for MS Exchange. You can share your database with other users across your network without having to purchase and support this expensive, complex and clunky beast.
*Calendar sharing across your network is also typically supported.
*Much readier acceptance of your CRM initiative by your staff due to their existing familiarity with MS Outlook.
*Reduced training costs. As your staff already know (or should know) how to use Outlook, the induction period is dramatically reduced and less expensive compared to other CRM software.
*Reduced support costs. As you already have the Outlook platform installed, little more is required.
*Happier user experience. You won't have to constantly toggle between Outlook and some CRM application as they are now effectively one product.
*Integration and synchronization between Outlook and external CRM software in no longer necessary.
*Minimal installation costs. Without over-simplifying the process, you typically just download, install and customize to suit your needs.

Certain software products in this genre also offer synchronization with hand-held or PDA devices.

Many of these applications are developed from the ground up in .NET, Microsoft's new development platform, making for slicker internet and email capabilities and more transparent software integration.

If you are running a small business using MS Outlook, these CRM solutions deserve your serious consideration. Match the right product to your needs and you could come in well under budget and in record time.

Perry Norgarb has specialized in CRM solutions for small businesses for the last 16 years.

Contact him or find out more about Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Contact Management and other Sales Tracking software tips and solutions for small businesses at:

Find out more about Outlook based CRM solutions for small businesses

You are free to re-publish this article as long as this bio box and copyright remain intact and the links remain 'live'. � 07 February, 2006.

Jacobsen techniques of relaxation

The Jacobsen relaxation techniques are also referred to as progressive muscles relaxation. They are techniques to manage stress, and were developed in 1920s by Edmund Jacobsen. He stated that muscle tension goes hand-in-hand with anxiety, and by reducing the muscle tension, anxiety can be reduced as well. This is a very famous method, and many therapists vouch for it and follow Jacobsen's techniques to date. 

You can follow Jacobsen's methods of handling and managing stress, and relax your muscles, right from the comfort of your home. Jacobsen's technique is basically a 2-step process, and involves relaxing and tensing various muscles.

With continuous practice, you will understand which muscles are directly linked to relaxation, and which have a close connection to stress and anxiety.

You will also come to know which muscles you need to relax to overcome stress. 

Deep breathing is an exercise that can be used simultaneously with the Jacobsen's techniques of relaxation. As said earlier, the primary concern of Jacobsen's relaxation technique is to tense and then relax the muscles at a point of time. Deep breathing can be performed while you inhale while the contraction of your muscles take place, and exhale while they are being relaxed. 

You must take utmost care that the clothing you have put on is very
comfortable. Also try not to keep the footwear on, which will account for better relaxation. Relax yourself, and take deep breaths. Don't concentrate on any issues while you do that. Once this is done, you can commence Jacobsen's relaxation techniques. It is generally recommended to begin from the feet and move upwards. The start should be made from the right foot, then proceed to the left, and then to the calves, thighs and so on. 

To gain the most out of this exercise, focus primarily on the group of muscles you are working on. When you tense those muscles, you must inhale, be steady for about 10 seconds, and then slowly start exhaling as those muscles are relaxed, till they feel loosened up.

This process should be repeated as you work right till the upper part of your body. 

As a recommendation, the muscles listed below can be worked with: feet, calves, thighs, buttocks, stomach, lower back, biceps, triceps, hands, neck and face, i.e., from the bottom to the top. The pattern may be tampered with, but following it brings continuity. 

The basic fundament behind Jacobsen's relaxation techniques is to get
yourself familiar with which muscles are used while you are tensed, and relaxed. This will make you realize which area to take care of when you feel stressed.

If you need to learn more about Relaxation Techniques That Work please visit Relaxation Techniques That Work

Cycling Tips For Seniors

Cycling is great exercise for seniors, just as it is for any other age group. It is an aerobic form of exercise, which means a form of fitness which uses oxygen and the lungs. This type of exercise is generally very good for the heart and circulation, and is believed to help reverse some of the physical effects of ageing.

Cycling can also aid in reducing symptoms of other health problems such as asthma, hypertension (high blood pressure), arthritis and even depression. However, if you suffer from a heart condition, obesity, high blood pressure or other health problems, or if you are over 45 and a smoker, see your doctor before starting any exercise program to check that it is suitable for you.

There are two main ways to enjoy cycling: indoor and outdoor.

Indoor cycling

This form of cycling involves a stationary cycle or exercise bike which you keep in the house. The main advantage of this is that it can be used in all weathers, at any time of day and even in the busiest of cities. It also means you can exercise in privacy.

Stationary cycling can be a little boring compared with cycling outdoors. Whatever type of exercise program you follow, it should always be enjoyable and fun. This makes a huge difference to motivation and success. Most people find music helpful for staying motivated when exercising alone.

Some people even watch TV. Be sure though not to become completely distracted. Staying aware of the movement of the body and muscles during any form of exercise makes the activity a lot more effective and also helps reduce the risk of injury.

Outdoor cycling

One of the main benefits of outdoor cycling is that it gets you out into the fresh air. The benefit to your lungs and blood from receiving fresh oxygen into the body is likely to be much greater than if you are cycling in the stale air of your house with closed windows.

Of course, you will want to avoid heavy traffic, otherwise the pollution will counteract the benefit of the fresh air. So keep to quiet roads or dedicated cycle paths. Another good reason for doing this is to avoid the dangers of cycling in traffic.

If you can find a group to cycle with, you can add another benefit, that of increasing social interaction. This is very important as we get older. We tend to become set in our ways and limited in our new social contacts. Meeting new people helps with broadening the mind and keeping it active, both vital to staying mentally alert. This is just one of the ways that an exercise program such as cycling can help us regain or hold onto our youthful energy.

Considering taking up cycling? See our mountain biking tips for seniors and baby boomers at

The Importance Of Pure Water In The Master Cleanse And Other Tips

The Importance of Pure water

One of the chief ingredients used in the master Cleanse program is water. Because water is plentiful everywhere, we tend to take it for granted. However many of us do not realize that availability does not equal purity. In fact most of the water that we drink is mixed with chemicals like chlorine and fluoride. We know that chlorine is used to kill bacteria in the water so imagine what it can do to our bodies' cells. To help make the master Cleanse more effective, use pure water during the lemonade preparation. This will put less stress on your body and help to speed up the purging of toxics from the body.

Tip #1: Minimizing the Side effects of the Cleansing process

Some of the possible side effects which you will face while doing the master Cleanse programs are headache and bad breath. This is due to the fact that your body is undergoing a purification process expelling all the toxics which are harmful to your health. As the body tries to purge all the toxics from the internal organs, the blood system will carry away all these toxics for removal. Headaches and bad breath are the sure signs that the master Cleanse program is working for you. To help minimize all these side effects, try to consume more water to help speed up the purification process.

Tip #2: Reducing the Soreness in the mouth

During the Master Cleanse Program, your body will start to purge all the accumulated toxics inside the organs. Toxics are removed through the bowels and as well as through the pores of the skin. Beside from skin rashes, it is also to be expected that you will develop sores inside the mouth. Rinse your mouth with water after drinking the Master Cleanse lemonade. This will help to reduce the acidity inside your mouth and reduces the soreness that you may be feeling. In addition to rinsing, you should also drink more water so that the flow of toxic from inside the body can be sped up. Once your body has removed sufficient toxics, the side effects will subside.

Download 5 More HOT Tips at the Master Cleanse blog!
Veteran Master Cleanser reveals the
Master Cleanse recipe
and the #1 Mistake ALL Master Cleansers Make with his free 6 day ecourse!

Slim Hips and Thighs: Tips to Lose Weight from Hips and Thighs!

Losing weight on hips and thighs has always been a dream. And yes, dreams come true! It is usually difficult to lose weight from thighs and hips as compared to abdomen. Though different methods work for different people because of their individual mechanism but there is a more generic solution to it.

Here are some valuable tips which can make your thighs and hips slimmer!

1) Manage your dieting habits. The major cause for heavy bottoms is unbalanced diet, a diet high in fats. Butter, cheese, milk and curd..all contribute to the stubborn fats on hips and thighs.

Tip : Switch to olive oil and vegetable oil. They are more healthy. Avoid too much oil in pulses.

2) Increase the intake of fruits in your body. Fruits improve the digestive system of the body by increasing the amount of fibre content in the diet.

Tip : Have low glycemic index (low sugar) fruits instead of desserts or sweet-dishes after dinner.

3) One other effective way to lose weight on hips and thighs is LOW CARB DIETS. Some people gain weight, especially on hips and thighs because of high carbs diet.

Tip : Avoid high carbs food like rice, pasta, bread and potatoes.

4) Non-vegetarians can eat fish up to 4 times a week. Fish is considered to be good for cholesterol. Also, having chicken and meat twice a week doesn't harm you in anyway. It indeed is helpful to achieve your goal.

Tip : Say no to red-meat. Try avoiding it!

5) Vegetables can be handy to shed of the extra weight.

Tip : Take vegetables in the raw form as salads.

Appetite not full?? Look out for more tips on shedding off that extra weight from hips and thighs at

About the Author

Jasdeep: for your complete and most comprehensive family guide on Health.

Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various weight loss issues at Weight Loss Programs and Tips Article Directory

If you wish to reproduce the above article you are welcome to do so, provided the article is reproduced in its entirety, including this resource box and LIVE link to our website.

5 Tips for Interviewing and Hiring Top Medical Sales Reps!

Todays video will show you the top 5 things to keep in mind when interviewing and hiring sales reps for medical sales, healthcare sales, DNA sales, medical supplies sales, clinical diagnostics sales, pharmaceutical sales, laboratory sales, biotech sales, pathology sales, or imaging sales: what to make sure you do, and how to avoid common hiring mistakes.

1. Use a results-based decision-making process. What does this mean? Look at your current reps (most importantly -look at the high performers). What are their characteristics in common? Similar backgrounds? Similar degrees? What works for them will likely be what makes a good current candidate. They will fit.

2. Talk to your top candidates several times. Make sure youre getting a full picture of the candidate, not on just one really spectacular day. And, have others speak to them. See if others on your team are getting the same impression you are.

3. Watch the tells. If you play poker, you know about tells. Its just body language and behavior. Read the book: Reading People. Its excellent. And pay attention to things like:

how they follow up with you after the interview

what the thank you note looks like, how it is written, and when it came

how the candidate dressed, and what kind of behavior you noticed

4. Use an assessment tool: DISC, Caliper, OPQ, or whatever- but use this on your current team first. Its like the background. If you know what kind of personality characteristics make for a great sales rep in your company, look for those kinds of things in new candidates.

5. CHECK REFERENCES. I m amazed at how some hiring managers dont check for references or pay close attention to the ones they call. There are definite signs to look for that will give you solid clues about your candidate.

Article courtesy of the a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for "" college students looking for internships and "" recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.

For more information click here

Tips and Necessary Qualification for Becoming Medical Lab Technician

A Medical Lab Technician is usually involved in procedurally performing laboratory tests to ascertain the conditions of the patient(s) as authorized by the Doctor and giving the feedback of test results. They are at a position to prepare the specimens of blood and other body fluids for testing and analysis or they may carry out simple automated tests under strict guidelines. You need to find how to become one? On this page you find the fundamental tips and qualifications that are necessary for you to become a medical lab technician.

The number one tip of becoming a Medical Lab Technician is to like the career. This calls for not only being interested in becoming a Medical Lab Technician because it is a well paying job or because someone is already one, but because you are prepared to handle all the complexities involved in it. A will to handle the blood samples, stool, urine and other fluids from the human body are a necessity in this profession. It is by these fluids and other tests that the Medical Laboratory Technician is able to detect drugs in the blood, tell the blood group, bacteria, parasites, microorganisms and chemicals in the samples.

Another tip is: do what you can do best, pursue Medical Lab Technician if you find the career self satisfying. Self search yourself and find if you will cope with Medical Lab regulations, working with a number of equipments to analyze samples taken, handling digital based equipments such as cell counters and practicing keenness in analyzing of the results.

Now, having seen the tips, what are the qualifications for becoming a medical lab technician? In order for you to become a medical lab technician, you will need to meet the following minimum qualifications: be in a possession of an Associate or Bachelor degree in Lab Science or be in possession of an Accredited Medical Lab Technician Certificate. On the other hand, the individual may be required to have an equivalent education and experience qualifications as defined by ASCP in order to be eligible for the MLT/MT category. Basically, having a formal training in Medical Lab from a state recognized institution.

Thus you would have found information provided above in the article to be very helpful in selecting out the best right online medical lab tech programs to purse career of medical lab technician.

Linda Craik

PGA Golf de Catalunya in Girona

The PGA Golf de Catalunya resort is ranked as one of the top ten best golf courses in Europe. It is located near the small town of Caldes de Malavella on the Costa Brava, just 22km from Girona city centre and 11km from Girona Airport.

The inspiration... Read >

Day Trips by Car from Jerez

If you are thinking of hiring a car from Jerez Airport so that you can have the full freedom and flexibility to explore this beautiful part of Andalucia, first of all it is worth pre-booking a vehicle to cut down on time when you land and also to ensure t... Read >

Bus Travel in Granada

The best option for getting about in Granada is by bus or taxi. Driving in the town centre is not recommended as the streets are highly congested and most tourist areas are pedestrianised. There are several regular bus routes which cover the main areas o... Read >

Planning day trips from Seville

If you want to fully explore Seville and the surrounding area you really do need your own transport .The bus travel is excellent in the city centre but does get a bit irregular in the outlying areas.

Really the whole tip of southern Spain is accessible... Read >

Bus Travel in Seville

Buses are the easiest and cheapest way to get around in Seville. If you plan to use them a lot during your stay you can save money by purchasing a bónobus ticket at a newsstand tobacco shop . If you plan to be here for a month it's a good idea to purchas... Read >

Flying to Almeria

Because a number of airlines have cancelled routes as part of a general cost cutting exercise, you can now get scheduled and charter flights from six different UK Airports. If you want to fly from the London area easyJet and flythomascook.charter operate... Read >

Tips on Flying into Malaga Airport

With the new terminal at Malaga Airport well under way and due to open next Easter, the way is open for a lot more flights to come into the Costa del Sol.

At the moment there is still plenty of choice with 9 airlines offering scheduled and charter flig... Read >

Latest news on Malaga Airport

The new terminal building at Malaga Airport is due to open next Easter and is set to become a first class commercial centre with more than ten million travellers a year passing through - and this could quickly double.

The Spanish Airport Authority ... Read >

Getting to and From Murcia Airport in spain

Are you about to book a trip to explore Murcia or planning a holiday at La Manga del Mar Menor, then the closest airport to these resorts is Murcia San Javier (MJV). 

On average it takes between 2½ and 3 hours to fly to Murcia from the UK. There ar... Read >

Hotels in Murcia, Costa Calida , Spain

Murcia is on the south east coast of mainland Spain between the regions of Andalusia, Castile-La Mancha and Valencia: bordering the province of Albacete to the North, Alicante to the East, Granada and Albacete and Almeria to the West.

Many travelle... Read >

Murcia Restaurants

The cuisine in Murcia is excellent with fresh vegetables from the valley of the Río Segura and seafood from the Mar Menor. Murcia is also famous for its rice (which is grown in the village of Calasparra), sausages, preserved foods, nuts, aromatic plants,... Read >

Hiring a car to explore Corfu

The island of Corfu is the most northerly of the Ionians just off the west coast of Greece. It is 60 km long and 30km wide with the peak of Mount Pantokrator reaching 906 metres.

The local buses are a cheap way to travel, but be careful as the bus sc... Read >

Paris Rooftop Pod Hotel

Going to Paris this autumn? Have you already booked your Paris accommodation? Whether or not you have, make sure to keep one night free in order to stay in this marvellous creation. Oh, and make sure you book now as there is already a ridiculously high demand! On the 1st of November until the 28th of December, the Rooftop Pod Hotel comes to Paris and will be sitting its self on the top of the capital's Palais de Tokyo modern art museum (a very appropriate choice I must say). So, what can you expect to find in this place of which I speak so highly? Read on and find out…….

This travelling invention is a one-room hotel come art work, and was first created by Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann for the 2002 Swiss expo. Arriving in Paris in November, on its return from Switzerland and Leipzig, the travelling one room hotel mixes modern art and accommodation for the benefit of well, anyone who is willing to pay 333 euros a night for it , and 444 euros on the weekend. Reservations are strictly kept to one per couple as demand is so high.

The interior of the pod comprises of a bedroom with a king-size bed, a bathroom and a lounge; all stylishly decorated in an array of retro colours. The accessories rather resemble an Austin Powers film scene; a fully stocked mini-bar, a fully functional retro record player and a collection of LP's to play on it. For one night, you can live life like the famous spy of the 70s while looking over the Seine and down towards the Eiffel Tower. Not like most other Paris hotels, this one-off creation really is worth the money.

By day the pod, named ‘Everland', is converted into an art studio; open to the visitors of the Tokyo museum. This is a much cheaper alternative to staying the night; you get to visit the pod, have a walk around, and admire the artwork, all at the fraction of the price. If staying at the pod, you can have the privilege of adding or changing the décor of the place; getting away with the towels, adding to the record collection and leaving messages in the guest book for future guests are all encouraged activities.

So there you have it, the wonder that is the Evergreen Rooftop Pod Hotel. Much better than any apartment in Paris. The Pod is on a world tour until the end of 2008, making its final stay in Paris in November. Soon, in a city near you!
Leah Penn spends most of her time reading, writing and living Paris. She likes creating useful guides for tourists about culture, sightseeing and accommodation, in particular location appartement Paris and location Paris. She updates her website; regularly.

Grimsby & Cleethorpes Tourist Guide & Information

Grimsby is most known as a fishing town, its founder of which the word Grimsby comes from was a fisherman named Grim. He first came to Grimsby from Denmark. When he arrived his task was to murder Prince Havelock. Grim eventually could not bring him self to kill the Prince but later found he could not return back to Denmark. So he decided to stay on the coast, where his home was soon to be known as Grimsby.

Grimsby is also known for its history of the men who went through appalling conditions which is what brings our fish in the town today, in the 1950's Grimsby became one of the world's largest fishing ports who so many men risked their lives for.

So why not come visit us and get your hands on some good Grimsby Fish and Chips!

Grimsby Dock Tower has been in the skyline for over 137 years, it is 309ft high and has played a massive part in the town's history, There is a myth that when they first decided to build the dock tower they had to cover the bottom of the foundations with cotton wool, so they could soak up the water.

Grimsby is full of attractions to explore the mind of all ages. The main attractions are in the town centre and there's also many surrounding the town centre.

National Fishing Heritage Centre:

The NFHC first opened in the 1990's to attract visitors from all around to let them take a look at how it was like at sea, for the local fishermen who experienced the dangers and hard life which came with, been at sea in the early 1950's. The NFHC is situated two minutes away from the town centre on Alexander Dock. It makes a fun packed day out for everyone to learn and have fun.

Time Trap Museum:

The Time Trap Museum is a fantastic morning or afternoon out to get your children's imagines going wild. The Museum is based in the prison cells of Grimsby Town Hall, taking you through the towns past and the town's treasures as you piece together the jigsaw puzzle of how Grimsby came to be how it is today.

Grimsby Auditorium:

Grimsby Auditorium is the area's largest theatre, with shows and entertainment for everyone. The auditorium holds 1200 people seated and 2000 standing. There is also a bar upstairs available for people to use during the entertainment. It provides a huge range of acts and shows for all ages and tastes.

Grimsby has lots of fun packed things to do for everyone so come along and enjoy the history and events that Grimsby has going on throughout the year.


Cleethorpes is on the coast, and only a few miles away from Grimsby, with a stunning Beach to enjoy and all the seaside activities and fun for all ages to enjoy throughout the year, there are places to do things to see and fantastic restaurants based in Cleethorpes for everyone to enjoy a great day.

At night Cleethorpes comes to live with its range of small bars and nightclubs to suit everyone so they can have a great night.

In the summer the seafront is all lit up for everyone to enjoy, so you can either have romantic walks down the seafront or take the kids to see the arcades at night.

Parkway Cinema, Kings Road, Cleethorpes:

The cinema is located on the resorts meridian point, which is a huge complex, with a bar, snacks counter and theater. It has the latest concerts and live shows on plus the latest films on at the complex.

Cleethorpes Leisure Centre:

The Leisure Centre has all facilities from a wave machine and slide for the kids in the swimming pool, to a play area to keep them occupied after swimming. It also has a gym, spa, sauna & steam room and sun beds just incase the sun isn't shinning outside on that particular day! There is also a bar and cafeteria for those hungry stomachs after all that exercise!

Pleasure Island:

Pleasure Island is the only theme park in Grimsby and Cleethorpes. It makes a fantastic day out for all family's to enjoy. With main rides and attractions from big wheels to swan pedal boats on the lake to the tummy dropping Hyperblaster it has something for everyone for a great fun packed day out.

Leona Brown
Grimsby News
Grimsby Events

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Buyers Guide Part 3: Guitar Size Selection Guidelines

In general the optimal size is always a compromise between comfort and sound quality and stability. The smaller the guitar body is the more dificult it would be to get a good sounding low tones. The shorter the scale is the more tricky it is to get a stabel pitch and intonation. Please refer to the section below about tuning issues with small scale guitars for more details.

The following are general guidelines for guitar size selection:

Electric Guitars:

Lightweight Standard size - good for kids ages 11 and up, and adults with sensitive backs or long gigs
7/8 size - good for kids ages 10-12 and smaller adults.
3/4 size - good for travel, kids ages 8-10, and small size hands and bodies.
1/2 size - best for travel and kids ages 6-8
1/4 size & mini - the smallest guitars, best for travel and kids ages 3-5
(note: to get a stable sound and tuning in mini electric guitars we recommend either using higher gauge strings (0.11 would be a good choice), or alternatively, use a higher string tuning, such as A-D-G-C-E-A or an open G: G-D-G-B-D-G. Please refer also to the section below about how to tune a small guitar)
Travel - these guitar have a special shape that is designed to make them convenient for travel and transportation.

Electric Bass Guitars:

Lightweight Standard size - good for kids ages 14 and up, and adults with sensitive backs.
7/8 size & short scale - good for kids ages 12 and up, and adults who prefer a short scale bass
3/4 and medium size - good for kids ages 8-14, and small size hands and bodies.
1/2 size & mini - best for travel and kids ages 5-9.

Acoustic Guitars:

7/8 size - good for kids ages 11-14 and smaller bodies and hands.
3/4 size - good for kids ages 8-11 and small bodies and hands.
1/2 size - good for travel, and kids ages 5-8.
1/4 size and Mini - good for travel and kids ages 3-5.

Children's Guitars can be reviewed and purchased at

Originally Posted at Small Guitars Buyers Guide

Easy Home Aromatherapy with an Electric Diffuser

Many people looking for an easy way to do aromatherapy at home get a little confused about their aromatherapy machines. They look for essential oil distillers when they really want to be looking for essential oil diffusers. An electric diffuser for essential oil is just the thing you need if you don't want to have to cover your head with a tent of towels while you scrunch over a bowl of warm water to get the most from aromatherapy.Here are six things you need to know about electric diffusers and how they make using essential oils care-free.1. This is an aromatherapy machine you only have to check every couple of weeks.You just fill a tiny well with about a teaspoon (5 ml) of essential oil every 14 days. The diffuser is so efficient that is all the oil you need.2. This device is designed to create an ultra-fine mist of healing scent.The diffuser consists of a well to hold the essential oil and a fan to blow the tiny droplets of oil evaporating off it into a coiled glass tube. The coiling of the tube is what makes this diffuser so efficient. The fan propels the fine mist of essential oil against the walls of the tube, and as the already-microscopic droplets hit the tube, they get smaller and smaller. When the evaporated essential oil emerges from the open end of the tube, the droplets are so small that the whole room fills with scent in just seconds.3. This device makes an aromatherapy mist that can reach your sinuses and your lungs.It really doesn't do any good to do aromatherapy to help you get over a cold or flu if the vapors never reach the parts of the body where they need to go. An electric diffuser generates a mist fine enough that you can breathe it in deep.4. An electric diffuser won't super-saturate the air with scent.As important as how the diffuser works is when it works. Just as you wouldn't hold your head under a tent of towels over a bowl of hot water and essential oil all day, you don't want to have your diffuser running all day, either. Some oils, like the eucalyptus oil you might use for bronchitis or a chest cold, can actually become irritating if you are exposed to them all the time. And if you smell a scent all the time, eventually you don't notice it at all.Modern diffusers come with timers. They operate for 20 to 30 minutes, and then they go into standby mode for up to two hours. You can rely on the timer rather than turning the diffuser on and off.5. An electric diffuser conserves expensive essential oils.Just a teaspoon of oil every other week is enough for most diffusers. The way this appliance is able to conserve oil is by relying on pressure rather than heat. If you use the old-fashioned bowl over a candle approach, for instance, you guarantee that you are going to have every bit of the herbal oil boil away within an hour or two. (Essential oils evaporate at temperatures between room temperature and the boiling point of water.) If you use the bowl-and-towels method, you have to make sure the towels completely encase your head and the bowl.But if you use an electric diffuser, the machine conserves the oil by only releasing the tiniest droplets. It operates at room temperature�"even in a cold room�"and instead of replacing oil several times a week, you only use a teaspoon of oil about twice a month.A diffuser costs a little money up front, but it can save your hundreds of dollars a year. Every fan of aromatherapy needs an electric diffuser for every room in the home.

We all aromatherapy smells great, but does it really work? If you need to convince a significant other that you really need an electric diffuser, read more on aromatherapy science.

Altruism in Primates and Humans

There is a continously growing body of research which suggests that morality is an innate trait of human beings and our primate relatives. This fact is yet another blow to the concept of theism. No longer is god seen as the source of morals (in most cases god contradicts our sense of morality to begin with! Just read the many murders by god inside the pages of the bible for proof); they were crafted by natural selection, and ever since this theory was proposed it has caused an uproar within the theological community.

Some theologians/apologists have tried to shoot down these ideas, but more often than not, they end up completely distorting the concept all together. Take for example, David Marshall, in his book, "The Truth Behind the New Atheism", on pages 104-105:

"Dawkins and Hauser seem to see morality as one more bit of data about the evolution of a particular species. I may feel it is immoral to let a child drown. But if I see that feeling as an accidental product of evolution, like my appendix, what if I want it out? And if I'm late for work, and the child belongs to a competing race - threatening not just jeans, but selfish genes - it's hard to see how evolution furnishes any argument for saving her."

"One could conclude, as some have, 'So evolution gives us guilty feelings when we steal candy from children. Now that I understand the blind forces that produced this emotion, and the fact that it has no transcendent value, I'll take what I want.' Evolution doesn't help at all."

This isn't the only stupid thing Marshall has said about the idea of humans' innate morality. I debunked this incorrect view in my review of his book [1] so I will just copy my response from it.

I find Marshall's discussion about the evolutionary concept of morality to be extremely ignorant. He doesn't seem to understand that, as he quoted Dawkins, "Scientific facts about the world do not translate into moral shoulds," and that the process of evolution - natural selection/survival - does not equate to good moral standards and that's not where we get our morals from to begin with. Marshall seems to be confusing the actual process of evolution itself, with the fact that the process created the innate morals we seem to follow. We don't follow the evolutionary process (which created the morality); we follow a byproduct of that process. Just because something is sometimes done in nature, doesn't mean that's what the evolutionary sense of morality dictates humans do regarding "right" and "wrong."

Once again, another mistake by Marshall. His idea of "selfish genes" also seems to be mistaken. Dawkins didn't mean that genes are "selfish" as is the more common definition of " seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others," but something else. In his book, "The Moral Animal: Why We Are the Way We Are: The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology", Robert Wright explains this well:

"[T]hose genes that are conductive to the survival and reproduction of copies of themselves (emphasis in original) are the genes that win. They may do this straightforwardly, by prompting their vehicle to survive, beget offspring, and equip the offspring for survival and reproduction. Or they may do this circuitously - by, say, prompting their to labor tirelessly, sterilely, and, and 'selflessly,' so that a queen ant can have lots of offspring containing them. However the genes get the job done, it is selfish from their (emphasis in original) point of view, even if it seems altruistic at the level of the organism[...]" [2]

In his book, "Moral Minds", Marc Hauser does a good job of explaining this process of how people seem to choose, without consciously understanding why they chose a particular answer, the same answers regardless of not only religion, but other differences. The entire point is that the process is near instantaneous and a person is unable to rationalize why they chose a particular answer. This is the entire point, which Marshall seems to miss. If it is 1) instantaneous and a person cannot find a rational reason for his choice and 2) the same or similar answers are given across a spectrum of individuals who have vastly different religious, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds, etc. then where are these moral decisions coming from? Because there is no evidence of a god, and the bible is a mixture of "good" and "bad" ideas about morality, then the only option left is that the process of evolution crafted some innate sense of morality.

Here is an example of a moral dilemma which highlights this innate process. If 5 people came into a hospital all needing organ transplants but no donors were available would be it moral to kill one man waiting in the waiting room to save all five? No.

Here's another. A train has lost it's breaks and is heading on a track that 5 hikers are walking on, while a side track one hiker is walking. If the conductor switches the train to the side track and kills the one man would that seem morally OK? I'd say yes, but again, why? As Mark Hauser said, "If you said 'no' to the first question and 'yes' to the second, you are like most people I know or the thousands of subjects I have tested in experiments. Further, you most likely answered these questions immediately, with little or no reflection. What, however, determined your answer?" He goes on to say how usually morality says that killing is wrong so how does it somehow "feel right" to kill in the second scenario but not the first? Some innate moral processes seem to be at work and we cannot consciously figure out why we feel about a particular scenario the way we do with the standard morality that we are taught in society or through religion. So where are these principals coming from? That is the question that the science of evolutionary morality is attempting to answer. [3]

His claim that evolution doesn't help at all is also ignorant because it's been shown that evolution seems also to have crafted our sense of altruism. From the January, 2008 issue of Discover magazine:

"For years, lacking evidence to the contrary, most scientists had assumed that altruism is unique to humans. Sure, other primates groom each other and even share food, but this kind of helping could be chalked up to selfish motives - either to benefit close relatives who share their genes or to get an immediate reward. In June, however, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology reported the first experimental evidence of spontaneous altruism in chimpanzees, toward both non related chimps and humans.

In one experiment done with semifree-ranging chimps in Uganda, a chimp struggled to open a door locked by a chain. The researchers wanted to see if a second chimp would release the chain to help the first get food. Three-quarters of the time, the chimps in a position to help did just that. 'The crucial thing here is they help without any expectation of being rewarded, because they don't benefit from their helping,' leading researcher Felix Warneken explains.

The pattern showed up in a similar experiment with chimpanzees and humans: When a person with whom they had no prior relationship struggled to reach a stick, the chimps handed it to the person even when it required climbing up to a tall raceway. The chimps helped people just as often as 18-month-old German toddlers did in a similar set up involving a person struggling to reach a pen.

'The main finding is that humans and chimpanzees share altruistic tendencies,' Warneken says. In terms of evolution, he adds, this similarity suggests that the two species' common ancestors has these inclinations before culture developed.

And that tells us something about human nature.'There's a widely held belief that humans are selfish in the beginning and only through socialization do we turn into somewhat altruistic individuals,' Warneken says. This work suggests our nature contains the seeds for both types of behavior.'"

As can be seen, nature seems to have designed our capacity to do both good and bad. So to say following the evolutionary concept of morality will make you only care for your "in group," as Marshall suggests, is false as these findings do much to prove.

Other research confirming this is in Frans de Waal's book "Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved". de Waal cites his many years of experience working with primates and the altruistic behavior they share with humans.

On page 25 de Waal notes, "There exists ample evidence of one primate coming to another's aid in a fight, putting an arm around a previous victim of attack, or other emotional responses to the distress of others..."

"...[T]he screams of a severely punished or rejected infant rhesus monkey will often cause other infants to approach, embrace, mount, or even pile on top of the victim. Thus, the distress of one infant seems to spread to it peers, which then seek contact to soothe their own arousal." [4]

"It is reasonable to assume that the altruistic and caring responses of other animals, especially mammals, rest on similar mechanisms. When Zahn-Waxler visited homes to find out how children respond to family members instructed to feign sadness (sobbing), pain (crying), or distress (choking), she discovered that children a little over one year of age already comfort others. Since expressions of sympathy emerge at an early age in virtually every member of our species, they are as natural as the first step. An unplanned sidebar to this study, however, was that household pets appeared as worried as the children by the 'distress' of family members. They hovered over them or put their heads in their laps." [5]

To show the apes' empathetic response, de Waal tells of a story in which Ladygine-Kohts needed to get her young chimpanzee off the roof of her house, so she feigned crying in order to provoke a sympathetic response. In her own words:

"If I pretend to be crying, close my eyes and weep, Joni [her chimpanzee] immediately stops his plays or any other activities, quickly runs over to me, all excited and shagged, from the most remote places in the house, such as the roof or the ceiling of his cage, from where I could not drive him down despite my persistent calls...He hastily run around, as if looking for the offender; looking at my face, he tenderly takes my chin in his palm, lightly touches my face with though trying to understand what is happening..." [6]

Other than sympathy, it seems as if apes have an ability to understand another's plight and try to help with the situation, even at cost to themselves:

"During one winter at the Arnhem Zoo, after cleaning the hall and before releasing the chimps, the keepers hosed out all rubber tires in the enclosure and hung them one by one on a horizontal log extending from the climbing frame. One day Krom [one of the chimps] was interested in a tire in which water had stayed behind. Unfortunately, this particular tire was at the end of the row, with six or more heavy tires hanging in front of it. Krom pulled and pulled at the one she wanted but couldn't remove it from the log. She pushed the tire backward, but there it hit the climbing frame and couldn't be removed either. Krom worked in vein on this problem for over ten minutes, ignored by everyone, except Jakie, a seven year old Krom had taken care of as a juvenile.

Immediately after Krom gave up...Jakie...pushed the tires one by one off the log...[w]hen he reached the last tire, he carefully removed it so that no water was lost, carrying it straight to his aunt...

That Jakie assisted his aunt is not so unusual. What is special is that he correctly guessed what Krom was after. He grasped his auntie's goals. Such so-called 'targeted helping' is typical of apes, but rare or absent in most other animals. It is defined as altruistic behavior tailored to the specific needs of the other even in novel situations, such as the highly publicized case of Binti Jua, a female gorilla who rescued a human child at the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago." [7]

Wikipedia [8] says of this incident:

"Binti is most well known for an incident which occurred on August 16, 1996. A three-year-old boy climbed the wall around her zoo enclosure and fell 6 m (20 feet) onto concrete below, rendering him unconscious. Binti walked to the boy's side while helpless spectators screamed, certain the gorilla would harm the child. Another larger female gorilla approached, and Binti growled.

Binti picked up the child, cradling him with her right arm as she did her own infant, and carried him 18 m (60 feet) to an access entrance, so that zoo personnel could retrieve him. Her 17-month-old baby, Koola, clutched her back throughout the incident. The boy spent four days in the hospital and recovered fully.

After the incident, experts debated whether Binti's actions were a result of training by the zoo or animal altruism. Because Binti had been hand-raised, as opposed to being raised in the wild by other gorillas, she had had to be specially trained to care for an infant and to take her child to personnel for examinations. One could assume that this training resulted in her behavior when the little boy fell into her enclosure.

However, there are many other examples of animals (especially primates) demonstrating apparent altruism. The strongest argument for the altruistic explanation involves a situation very similar to Binti's, in which a male gorilla named Jambo, of Jersey Zoo, protected a child who had fallen into his enclosure. Jambo was not trained to care for children and was raised in captivity by his own gorilla mother, so that his actions may have involved an instinctive sense that the child needed his help. Similar behavior has been seen in chimps who 'comfort' each other after an attack or other trauma."

Other than these observations, specific experiments have been conducted to determine whether or not altruism exists innately (one such experiment was already cited in my review of David Marshall's book above).

In one experiment, 15 rhesus monkeys were trained to get food by pulling chains. Monkeys quickly learned that one chain delivered twice as much food than the other. But then the rules changed. If a monkey pulled the chain associated with the bigger reward, another "bystander" monkey received an electric shock.

After seeing their fellow monkey get a shock, 10 of the monkeys switched their preferences to the chain associated with the lesser food reward. Two other monkeys stopped pulling either chain - preferring to starve rather than see another monkey in pain. [9]

It's been shown that as early as eighteen months of age, toddlers exhibit a desire to cooperate with those whom they perceive to have suffered in some way. In one experiment, the psychologist Felix Warneken of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology performed a number of tasks, such as stacking books and hanging towels in front of 24 18-month olds, at times struggling to reach the objects to see if it would cause a response from the children. With much consistency, the children offered their help. [10]

There is even some evidence which suggests that altruism makes us "feel good." According to research conducted by J. Rilling, by having participants play the Prisoner Dilemma Game, in which the two players have a choice to cooperate, not to cooperate, or for one to cooperate while the other doesn't. In the latter case, cooperation incurs costs to the individual and benefits only accrue to the other player. Mutual cooperation was associated with consistent activation in the brain areas that have been linked to the reward pathways. This suggests that the activation of reward pathways reinforced reciprocal altruism and motivated subjects to resist the temptation to selfishly accept favors without reciprocating them. There was also evidence of a negative response of the dopamine system if a subject cooperated but the opponent did not.

J.P. Rushton and associates, from the University of London, studied the altruistic and aggressive tendencies in 573 twins by having them fill out questionnaires. The study reported on the heritability estimates from altruism, empathy, nurturance, aggressiveness, and assertiveness. Regarding altruism specifically, the heritability was 56% and altruism increased with age while aggressiveness decreased. Virtually zero percent of the variance of each trait was due to the common environment such as early religious instruction. [11] [12]

Looking at all of this research sure seems to support a biological mechanism favoring altruism and causing humans to act kindly to one another and this also seems to be based upon the emotions (though I have read a paper by Marc Hauser rebutting this claim so it may not be entirely accurate - see below). First we feel, then we act. It seems that humans and primates react emotionally to those around them and then those emotions spur on the reciprocal, helpful, and sympathetic actions.

The paper in question is by Hauser, et al titled "Does emotion mediate the effect of an action's moral status on its intentional status? Neuropsychological evidence". [13]

Here is the Abstract:

"Studies of normal individuals reveal an asymmetry in the folk concept of intentional action: an action is more likely to be thought of as intentional when it is morally bad than when it is morally good.One interpretation of these results comes from the hypothesis that emotion plays a critical mediating role in the relationship between an action's moral status and its intentional status. According to this hypothesis,the negative emotional response triggered by a morally bad action drives the attribution of intent to the actor, or the judgment that the actor acted intentionally.

We test this hypothesis by presenting cases of morally bad and morally good action
to seven individuals with deficits in emotional processing resulting from damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPC). If normal emotional processing is necessary for the observed asymmetry, then individuals with VMPC lesions should show no asymmetry. Our results provide no support for this hypothesis: like normal individuals, those with VMPC lesions showed the same asymmetry, tending to judge that an action was intentional when it was morally bad but not when it was morally good. Based on this finding, we suggest that normal emotional processing is not responsible for the observed asymmetry of intentional attributions and thus does not mediate the relationship between an action's moral status and its intentional status."


1.‭ ‬My review of David Marshall's book can be found here:‭ ‬

2.‭ ‬The Moral Animal:‭ ‬Why We Are the Way We Are:‭ ‬The New Science of Evolutionary Psychology,‭ ‬by Robert Wright‭; ‬162

3. Moral Minds:‭ ‬How Nature Designed Our Universal Sense of Right and Wrong,‭ ‬by‭ ‬Marc Hauser‭; ‬32

4. Primates and Philosophers: How Morality Evolved, by Frans de Waal; 27

5. Ibid.; 28

6. Ibid.; 30

7. Ibid.; 31-32

8.; accessed 6-7-09

9. Masserman et al 1964

10. The Altruistic Species, by Andrew Michael Flescher & Daniel L. Worthen; 242-243

11. Did God Create Man?, by David E. Comings, M.D; 482

12. Ibid.; 483- 484

13.; accessed 6-7-09

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