Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Escheat Laws Big Loopholes

Escheat LawsEscheat Laws end run can get you 6 figure income.Unclaimed property and money are handled by escheat laws.The point is to give the money back to the owner.The idea is noble, altruistic, almost holy. Think the ultimate perfect governing body.Brings a tear to you eye.Somebody lose money and the government holds onto it for ya.Remember that this is the same people behind the I.R.S. and the post office. So its gotta be good huh?In a perfect world, here is how it works:1. Joe taxpayer leaves money behind in an acct or doesn't claim overages from a foreclosure.2. Gov learns of this mistake.3. Govco forces the demonic bank people to give up the money.4. Big love gov finds the owner and returns it.5. Wicked corporations are thwarted and gotham is a better place.Um, let's back up to reality.Let's use excess proceeds as an example. Just so you know, stupid money in foreclosure surplus.Okay, so there is a house that gets foreclosed on. The house sells for $200 grand, but the bank is only owed $150 grand.Does the overage just vanish?The bank can't keep it as the foreclosure is to satisfy debt, not make a profit. So any overage is sent to the clerk of the court for the court.After it hits the courthouse the lien holders are suppose to have a psychic vision that the money is there and go pick it up. We're talking about lien and judgment holder in general.The visions never happen. After making interest income, the county eventually escheats the booty to the state. Now the state gov makes interest off the cash. If you go to the county and inquire after your paid in judgment or your surplus from the foreclosure, they say they don't have the money. Could there be incentive for the gov to hold onto the booty? Yep, for the interest earnings. But there is a loophole. There's no statute of limitation on getting the money back. The state holds 40+ years of excess proceeds you can claim! There are billions ofdollars to be had. There's a program out there that shows you how to get this money. Tap This - Escheat Laws

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