My father recently had a heart attack. I've known for a long timethat this might happen, because every man in my family has had aheart attack in his mid fifties. But because of my father's healthylifestyle I thought he might dodge that bullet. Apparently, that isnot the case. And, being the oldest of his sons, I am the next inline to experience the family tradition of heart disease. So, hisexperience has brought my own inevitable mortality to the forefrontof my mind.I am not afraid to die. I am afraid of being mamed or disabled sothat I live the rest of my life in pain. I am afraid of others closeto me dying because I know that will bring me heartache, but eventhat I know will pass because I have experienced that in my life. Iam afraid of poverty and I am afraid of a life without meaning, but Iam not afraid of death. I am not old but I have lived long enough toknow that death is a part of life. I have lost a child and I havelost grandparents to death and each took a little bit of me when theywent, but I survived and I became happy again, and life goes on.My grandfather told me of the time he had a heart attack and wastechnically dead for a few seconds. He said it was the most peacefulfeeling he had ever experienced. He didn't speak of a light or hislife flashing before him, only of undescribable peace. Then suddenlyhe was awakened by someone beating on his chest and another personramming a needle into him. He was back in the world of the living.I don't believe he was sorry to be back, but he didn't seem worriedabout going back to the other place either.Some might find this strange, but the reason I am not afraid to dieis because of my firm belief that there is no god. I know religiouspeople find that idea unbelievable, and I know this because I wasraised in a very religious home. God and Satan were very real in mychildhood home. And, though my parents claimed to believe in acompassionate god, everything I learned about God made me afraid. Iwas afraid of God because he could see the dirty little thoughts inmy head, and I was afraid of Satan and his demons because they wereevil and looking for the chance to possess me. So, knowing now thatthere is no god and that death is merely an indescribable peace, I amnot afraid to die.I did not arrive at this conclusion without effort. It took severalyears of living, studying, and contemplating. It started when Idiscovered that my first wife was not at all who I thought she was.I discovered she had been lying and cheating for years, and Isuddenly realized that the last eight years of my life had been alie. This did not fit into the narrow worldview I had aquired. Inthat world my wife would be faithful and kind because I was afaithful and supportive husband. And, if this could happen to methan the world was not what I believed it to be, and I needed to findout what it really was.I divorced her and began a quest. I needed to learn the facts aboutthe world and the people in it. I began taking classes at thecommunity college with the idea of not necessarily finding myself,
but rather finding the world and, subsequently, my place in it. Iinadvertently spent the next five years in college and, to my ownsurprise, graduated from college at age 33. While there, I studiedthe earth, the sky, the universe, and the people. I studied treesand flowers, rocks and stars, and culture. After I graduated I readCarl Sagan, Albert Einstein, and Charles Darwin. I read about themind and the universe. I read about evolutionary psychology. Istudied violence, religion, hate and love. I watched life, and Icompared all these things for all these years with what I knew aboutGod. And He was the one thing that did not fit. He did not makesense. Everything else was logical, for everything else there wasproof. Evolution and biology could be proven by science. People'sbehavior fit. Sex fit. Love and hate fit. But God did not fit. Theworld made sense without him and became nonsense with him.Why would a compassionate god create a being with inherent flaws?Why would he make him have urges and desires and then forbid him fromsatisfying them? Why do bad things happen to good people? But evenmore puzzling, why do good things happen to bad people? The Bible iswrong, science and life prove it. Good things do not come to thosewho wait. The meek do not inherit the earth because the bulliesknock them down and take it from them. The evil claim the power.The selfish hold the wealth. A good, all powerful god would notcreate a world like this one. There is no doubt in my mind, there isno god.It took a long while before I had the courage to say that outloud.The first time I did I was sure I would be struck by lightning. ButI have said it many times now and I am no worse for it.I am grateful for my religious upbringing. It was part of theeducation that brought me to this point. I do not fault my parentsfor causing me to fear God. Without a clear understanding of God Icould not have proven his nonexistance to myself. And, because ofthat proof I do not fear death. I do not need to worry about whetheror not I have been forgiven for my sins. I do not need to worryabout whether or not people who have gone before me place any blameon me for anything that happened to them in life. I do not need totry to figure out why a good, all powerful god allows bad things tohappen in the world. And, I do not need to wonder what will happento me after I die. I hope to live a long and happy life but when itis over I know I will experience an indescribable peace, and theolder I get the more precious peace becomes.Lance Nalley, November 21, 2002, Chico, CA.
For more information click here
Monday, October 31, 2011
Eddie Tobey
Financing a Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery for weight loss may be a life-saving procedure, but it is not cheap. Although a number of insurance companies cover the procedure, many individuals find that their medical insurance providers balk at the cost. Most insurance companies re... Read >
What to Do When You Encounter Back Pain
"Ouch my back hurts," you moan, reaching for your sore, pinched, or strained backside. This is an all-too common scenario for many of us. More than 65 million Americans suffer from back pain every year. It is the most frequent complaint from people se... Read >
Joint Pain Relief: An Overview
Your knees, shoulders, and elbows are all large joints. Your hands and feet contain many tiny joints. Our joints are used for almost every movement we make. Half of adults over age 65 - or more than 20 million Americans, endure recurrent or chronic jo... Read >
Does Natural Pain Relief Really Exist?
Everyone will suffer pain at some point in their lives. Grim as this may sound, some pain is necessary it's a signal from our brain that something is wrong in our body, something we need to address to protect our health and well-being. It can be cause... Read >
Chronic Pain Relief: An Overview
Everyone will experience pain at some point in their lives. Pain is a necessary form of protection against injuries, diseases, or conditions that would otherwise impair or even kill us. Pain alerts us that something is wrong. Pain can be either 'acute... Read >
Sciatica Pain Relief
The term "sciatica" refers to pain along a specific nerve the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back down through each leg. It usually caused by a wayward vertebral disc, more commonly referred to as a pinched nerve or a herniated, ruptured, o... Read >
Approaches to Knee Pain Relief
You use your knees every time you walk, run, or move your lower body at all. Knee pain, therefore, dramatically affects the daily life of sufferers, who must use their knees throughout the day. Knee pain is the second only to back pain among American a... Read >
A Look at Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a chronic disease that affects the musculoskeletal system. Symptoms vary widely among sufferers, but generally include muscle and joint aches, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and tenderness in several o... Read >
Muscle Pain Relief: An Overview
After an auto mechanic spends hours under a car or a writer spends all day in front of a computer, their muscles later complain at this overextension. Everyone gets a muscle ache once in a while, but chronic muscle pain can be a debilitating condition th... Read >
Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery comes in many forms but the most popular are combination-techniques that shrink the stomach by stapling off a small section and shortening the small intestine by reattaching it at a lower point where fewer calories will be absorbed.... Read >
What to Expect After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Most patients recover after gastric bypass surgery without complications. Typically, those who undergo the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure, which involves stapling of the stomach and bypassing the first part of the small intestines, have a hospital st... Read >
The Costs of Microdermabrasion
The cost of microdermabrasion can be categorized under three general levels: at-home, health spas and salons, and medical practices. Each category also varies in price. Let's explore the at-home cost of microdermabrasion first.
The cost of microdermabr... Read >
Understanding Bariatric Surgery
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity among adults has risen significantly in the U.S. over the last 20 years. In fact, statistics show that 30 percent of adults 20 years of age and older are obese (body mass index [BMI] of ... Read >
Is Bariatric Bypass Surgery For You?
There are two basic types of bariatric surgeries for weight loss: restriction procedures and malabsorption procedures. Restriction procedures reduce the size of the stomach through the use of a gastric band, staples, or both, and do not interfere with the... Read >
The Bariatric Surgery Diet
After bariatric surgery, the new and very small stomach will often only hold about an ounce. For the first week after surgery, the patient will only be able to tolerate nutritious liquids. During the second week, pureed, high-protein foods such as cottage... Read >
VertiBaX: Bringing Lower Back / Core Muscle Pain Relief
VertiBaX: Bringing Lower Back/Core Muscle Pain Relief
VertiBaX: Healthcare Sensory Back Belts are currently bringing revolutionary core muscle pain relief to many people across Europe suffering from lower back pain. Due to the success of the joint hea... Read >
Recovery from a knee injury using VertiBaX Sensory Muscle Therapy
Working through a knee injury with VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle Therapy
VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle Therapy is bringing revolutionary knee pain relief to many active people across Europe suffering from knee pain. Due to the success of VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle T... Read >
Back Pain Sufferers: Yoga or Pilates
Back Pain Sufferers: Yoga or Pilates?
Yoga and Pilates are becoming increasingly popular as a main stream form of exercise. The questions that have to be asked are: "What is the difference between the two, how will they benefit a sufferer of back pa... Read >
The Benefits of Bio-Magnetic Therapy
The Benefits of Bio-Magnetic Therapy
Although bio-magnetic therapy is not officially approved as a healing method or practice, too many users of this therapy method gain significant joint pain relieving benefits for it to be dismissed.
The fact... Read >
Building Core Muscle Strength
Building Core Muscle Strength Reduces Lower Back Pain
It is well known that a strong core to the body distributes the stresses of weight bearing and protects the back. This is also referred to as core stability whose goal is to maintain a solid foundatio... Read >
Poor Posture Contributing to Back Pain, Neck Pain and General Fatigue.
According to the British Chiropractic Association 32% of the population spends more than 10 hours per day sitting. It has been found from research that the 90 degree sitting position causes greater spinal disc movement than any... Read >
VertiBaX: Bringing Lower Back / Core Muscle Pain Relief
VertiBaX: Bringing Lower Back/Core Muscle Pain Relief
VertiBaX: Healthcare Sensory Back Belts are currently bringing revolutionary core muscle pain relief to many people across Europe suffering from lower back pain. Due to the success of the joint hea... Read >
Recovery from a knee injury using VertiBaX Sensory Muscle Therapy
Working through a knee injury with VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle Therapy
VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle Therapy is bringing revolutionary knee pain relief to many active people across Europe suffering from knee pain. Due to the success of VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle T... Read >
Back Pain Sufferers: Yoga or Pilates
Back Pain Sufferers: Yoga or Pilates?
Yoga and Pilates are becoming increasingly popular as a main stream form of exercise. The questions that have to be asked are: "What is the difference between the two, how will they benefit a sufferer of back pa... Read >
The Benefits of Bio-Magnetic Therapy
The Benefits of Bio-Magnetic Therapy
Although bio-magnetic therapy is not officially approved as a healing method or practice, too many users of this therapy method gain significant joint pain relieving benefits for it to be dismissed.
The fact... Read >
Building Core Muscle Strength
Building Core Muscle Strength Reduces Lower Back Pain
It is well known that a strong core to the body distributes the stresses of weight bearing and protects the back. This is also referred to as core stability whose goal is to maintain a solid foundatio... Read >
Poor Posture Contributing to Back Pain, Neck Pain and General Fatigue.
According to the British Chiropractic Association 32% of the population spends more than 10 hours per day sitting. It has been found from research that the 90 degree sitting position causes greater spinal disc movement than any... Read >
How To Overcome A Sore Stiff Knee - The Lazy Man's Guide To Dealing With The Pain - Special Report
Do you have soreness or stiffness in your knees?
Hey, hopefully you are reading this article as a way to help out your friend who has knee pain, but chances are you are the one with the problem; right?
The issue we are all faced with is that rest does not always cut it. People can not just wish for their knee pain problems to always go away just with rest. They are generally signs of an undying condition or are a sign that you have over exerted your knees. When you first begin to experience such issues you will need to determine the origin of the stiffness and pain.
If you have not been doing anything out of the ordinary and have began to experience a sore, stiff knee, then you may have a medical problem for which you may need to seek the assistance of a trained physician.
Why Am I Suffering From a Sore Stiff Knee?
That's a good question! - It could be due to several different factors.
For instance, if your knees are sore and stiff or pop and grind, then you could be suffering from patellofemoral syndrome, which is also more commonly known as "runner's knee."
Patellofemoral syndrome involves the grinding of bone caused by a misaligned kneecap that grates over the thighbone. Often times the kneecap can sublux laterally due instability of the patella. Do not let the syndromes slang name, "runner's knee" make you think that the syndrome is exclusive to athletes. Individuals who exert their knee through other means or are even "couch potatoes" can still be diagnosed with patellofemoral syndrome.
Tendonitis is another reason why people can complain of sore, stiff knees. This is an inflammation of the tendons that connect your kneecaps to your shinbones. Tendonitis can cause stiffness and soreness in the knees, making it very uncomfortable for the person who is dealing with it.
These are just a couple ways that you could be suffering from sore stiff knee discomfort. Actually, the stiff sensation that you may be feelin can simply be due to overuse.
How Can I Get Rid Of My Sore & Stiff Knee Pain?
There are a variety of medical related alternatives involving physical therapy and medications that could ease the stiffness in your knee (speak with your physician prior to taking any medications). However, the most common and effective treatments can usually be done from the convenience of your home.
Simple rest and elevation of the knees can increase blood flow and can likewise ease the pain from stiffness.
In addition, individuals who have worn a knee brace when first experiencing stiffness of the knees have reported that their stiffness subsided or had simply gone away. A support for your knee can help promote a healing environment for your knee. This is because it helps to support the internal structures of the knee and it also can help to maintain proper alignment of the knee. On top of that a knee brace costs pennies on the dollar and is one the simplest methods of putting an end to sore, stiff knee pain, especially compared to long term usage of pain medications or that of surgery.
If you would like free information just like this visit us online at Dr. Brace Co. is an education based site, created by true brace specialists, that can provide helpful information and meaningful support for your knee. If you have questions come to our site and let us know. We will respond.
For more information click here
Hey, hopefully you are reading this article as a way to help out your friend who has knee pain, but chances are you are the one with the problem; right?
The issue we are all faced with is that rest does not always cut it. People can not just wish for their knee pain problems to always go away just with rest. They are generally signs of an undying condition or are a sign that you have over exerted your knees. When you first begin to experience such issues you will need to determine the origin of the stiffness and pain.
If you have not been doing anything out of the ordinary and have began to experience a sore, stiff knee, then you may have a medical problem for which you may need to seek the assistance of a trained physician.
Why Am I Suffering From a Sore Stiff Knee?
That's a good question! - It could be due to several different factors.
For instance, if your knees are sore and stiff or pop and grind, then you could be suffering from patellofemoral syndrome, which is also more commonly known as "runner's knee."
Patellofemoral syndrome involves the grinding of bone caused by a misaligned kneecap that grates over the thighbone. Often times the kneecap can sublux laterally due instability of the patella. Do not let the syndromes slang name, "runner's knee" make you think that the syndrome is exclusive to athletes. Individuals who exert their knee through other means or are even "couch potatoes" can still be diagnosed with patellofemoral syndrome.
Tendonitis is another reason why people can complain of sore, stiff knees. This is an inflammation of the tendons that connect your kneecaps to your shinbones. Tendonitis can cause stiffness and soreness in the knees, making it very uncomfortable for the person who is dealing with it.
These are just a couple ways that you could be suffering from sore stiff knee discomfort. Actually, the stiff sensation that you may be feelin can simply be due to overuse.
How Can I Get Rid Of My Sore & Stiff Knee Pain?
There are a variety of medical related alternatives involving physical therapy and medications that could ease the stiffness in your knee (speak with your physician prior to taking any medications). However, the most common and effective treatments can usually be done from the convenience of your home.
Simple rest and elevation of the knees can increase blood flow and can likewise ease the pain from stiffness.
In addition, individuals who have worn a knee brace when first experiencing stiffness of the knees have reported that their stiffness subsided or had simply gone away. A support for your knee can help promote a healing environment for your knee. This is because it helps to support the internal structures of the knee and it also can help to maintain proper alignment of the knee. On top of that a knee brace costs pennies on the dollar and is one the simplest methods of putting an end to sore, stiff knee pain, especially compared to long term usage of pain medications or that of surgery.
If you would like free information just like this visit us online at Dr. Brace Co. is an education based site, created by true brace specialists, that can provide helpful information and meaningful support for your knee. If you have questions come to our site and let us know. We will respond.
For more information click here
VertiBaX: Bringing Lower Back / Core Muscle Pain Relief
VertiBaX: Bringing Lower Back/Core Muscle Pain Relief
VertiBaX: Healthcare Sensory Back Belts are currently bringing revolutionary core muscle pain relief to many people across Europe suffering from lower back pain. Due to the success of the joint hea... Read >
Recovery from a knee injury using VertiBaX Sensory Muscle Therapy
Working through a knee injury with VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle Therapy
VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle Therapy is bringing revolutionary knee pain relief to many active people across Europe suffering from knee pain. Due to the success of VertiBaX: Sensory Muscle T... Read >
Back Pain Sufferers: Yoga or Pilates
Back Pain Sufferers: Yoga or Pilates?
Yoga and Pilates are becoming increasingly popular as a main stream form of exercise. The questions that have to be asked are: "What is the difference between the two, how will they benefit a sufferer of back pa... Read >
The Benefits of Bio-Magnetic Therapy
The Benefits of Bio-Magnetic Therapy
Although bio-magnetic therapy is not officially approved as a healing method or practice, too many users of this therapy method gain significant joint pain relieving benefits for it to be dismissed.
The fact... Read >
Building Core Muscle Strength
Building Core Muscle Strength Reduces Lower Back Pain
It is well known that a strong core to the body distributes the stresses of weight bearing and protects the back. This is also referred to as core stability whose goal is to maintain a solid foundatio... Read >
Poor Posture Contributing to Back Pain, Neck Pain and General Fatigue.
According to the British Chiropractic Association 32% of the population spends more than 10 hours per day sitting. It has been found from research that the 90 degree sitting position causes greater spinal disc movement than any... Read >
Rob Daniels
Sailing Safety
Sailing, like most activities, does have some possible dangers. Knowledge, preparation and care, can help prevent most serious problems. Consider the following ideas when preparing for your sailing adventure.
Evaluate Skill Levels
Consider the exper... Read >
Ideas for Using Photographs in Crafts
There are many unique ways to use photographs in crafts that allow for personality, expression and interests to be displayed not only in the home or office, but any where you go. Use these ideas to expand your own use of photographs in crafting and gift i... Read >
Protecting and Storing Photographs So Your Memories Last
Photographs record our daily lives and special events. Seeing a picture often brings back memories, as well as feelings, thoughts and emotions. When our most special moments are recorded they become treasured family keepsakes. These keepsakes need to be w... Read >
Golf is Good for Your Health
Everything about our lives is busy. We not only do our work at work now a days, but carry work with us. Cell phones, video conferencing and wireless Internet allow work to be done anywhere and anytime. Technologies advancements have helped business reach ... Read >
Holistic Meditation
We are told that meditation is natural, that when someone sleeps they go into a meditative state. To fully understand the purpose and functioning of meditation one has to observe the human as both a physical and spiritual or psychological being. From the ... Read >
Yoga meditation guidance was described thousands of years ago by ancient and mystical sages. Since civilized societies began to emerge, meditation has evolved into a structured practice. Although there is not a lot of recorded information dealing with the... Read >
The Dangers of Snorkeling
Planning a vacation in the Caribbean or another beautiful, tropical location? Along with flight plans, hotels, and work arrangements it will be beneficial to plan for recreation, particularly snorkeling. Although you can arrive and receive some informatio... Read >
The Benefits of Lacrosse for Children
Lacrosse is a fun and high energy game that is growing quickly in the United States. Interest is starting at a young age. girls and boys alike are lining up to play this sport. The athleticism, skills and finesse needed are pulling kids from all over to e... Read >
What is Snuba?
Snuba is a portmanteau word, combing the words scuba and snorkel. Snuba divers wear similar equipment to that of scuba divers: fins, mask, and a bodysuit. However, the air tank commonly worn on scuba divers back, is attached to a specially designed raft f... Read >
Feng Shui and Chi
Feng Shui is an ancient discipline which shifts the chi (life force energy) in your home to improve your life. Children are indeed a blessing and add joy to one's household. In ancient times, a family was regarded as incomplete without children. Many meth... Read >
Feng Shui Improves Life
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Business people as well as common folks throughout the world improve all aspects of their lives using Feng Shui. Although the exact origins of feng shui are debatable, it is thought to have originated in China about five thou... Read >
Understanding Reiki
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
The story of Reiki has been shrouded by myth and fable for decades. Much research has been undertaken to discern the true roots of the beautiful Reiki tradition. Reiki is an ever evolving, flexible and creative form of growth... Read >
Horses; Hunters and Jumpers
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Within the discipline of show jumping there are two distinct subdisciplines: hunters and jumpers. On a jumping course, it is up to the rider to cue the horse when it reaches the best take-off point. Connecting your horse from... Read >
What are Compound Bows?
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Undoubtedly one of the biggest advances in the last two decades has been the development of the compound bow. The Compound bow is the latest major development in the search for power and accuracy.
Wilbur Allen, a Missouri ... Read >
Yoga Postures and Yoga Asanas
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Many yoga styles have been derived from classical yoga, and are designed to suit various preferences. Most of the different yoga positions practiced fall into one of two categories: meditative or therapeutic. There are litera... Read >
How to Use Binaural Beats for Lucid Dreaming
Altering that programming can be particularly complicated but using a instrument such as binaural beats can be extremely effective.Binaural Beats and the ThoughtsBinaural beats operate by presenting two separate frequencies to every single individual ear. When the brain perceives these two frequencies it then delivers a third frequency that is the big difference among the two at first offered.In this way you are actually in a position to plan which frequency you want your mind to practical experience. While in advance of it may perhaps have only been doable to attain lower brainwave frequency levels as a result of a long time of meditation apply or yoga, you are now capable to realize them in minutes as a result of the use of binaural brainwave audios.Consequently you can practical experience any kind of brain state that you wish and the added benefits that go with it.The Energy of the MindAfter you are able to bypass the conscious brain and get the job done specifically with the subconscious brain by means of listening to brainwave entrainment software package you can then start off to re-software your considered approach.Currently being conscious of and taking observe of just about every and just about every thought that goes through your head can be a minor frightening. Some folks like to repeat affirmations through the day in purchase to hold their ideas on a positive track.This can be powerful as very well but it normally can take one thing a minor more effective to make a authentic variation and adjust the energy inside your lifestyle via your thoughts.Using an exterior stimulus such binaural audios is an exceptional way to make some brief progress and definitely become an professional at controlling your own head.Not all binaural recordings are established equivalent as a result it is recommended that you do a little bit of investigation to make sure the download your want to pay attention to is of very good quality.Investing just twenty minutes a day sitting in silence listening to brainwave audios can make all the big difference in assisting your head to do the job for you as opposed to in opposition to you. If you want to come to be much more acquainted with your mind, your assumed process and your unconscious then this may well be an excellent thing for you to check out.In buy for them to be most successful make certain to listen to them with headphones although sitting quietly where by you will not be disturbed. Once you find out the potent results it can have on your brain, you will sense much more in manage of your living as nicely as your very own assumed method. There is very little much better than utilizing the mind to transform your entire world.Binaural beats are a combo of two tones at a little bit diverse frequencies. A person tone is offered and heard by one ear while the second tone is presented and heard by the other ear. They primarily are two separate tones that when played on a stereo headset develop a 3rd tone but do so internally inside the brain. Binaural beats were learned in 1839 by a German experimenter, Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. The human ability to "hear" this frequency differential appears to be the outcome of evolutionary adaptation.
For more information click here
For more information click here
Paul White
How Anyone Can Learn Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is a natural ability which all of us have; however, most of us have never learned to use this ability. Remote viewing is a psychic ability which involves attuning your brainwaves to a certain frequency - with practice; anyone can become a r... Read >
Finding The 'Real' You With Past Life Regression
While there is no denying that a vast number of people are curious with regards to their past lives, the number of people who are interested purely for the sake of being able to improve their current life, is dramatically less. Of course, some people stil... Read >
Chakra Meditation - A Whole New Life!
Meditation provides a much-needed succor to the battered mind and soul. This fact is known for centuries to ancient civilizations, like Hindu. However, the Western world has only just realized the potency of meditation as a means towards a healthy physica... Read >
Cosmic Ordering - Order Yourself A New Life!
As we're only too well aware of, the vast majority of the human population is continuously search for ways to lead better and more fulfilled lives. We constantly strive to acquire all those comforts in life which allow us to feel good about ourselves and ... Read >
The Real Science Behind Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming is Conscious Dreaming and is the ability of awareness that you are dreaming. In a nutshell, you are aware that all the occurrences you are experiencing are actually within a dream, while you are dreaming. While lucid dreaming you have a ce... Read >
Astral Travel To Another Dimension
During astral travel, while you are sleeping you may experience a sensation much like flying. The feeling of flying is a sensation you feel while your astral body is moving around on the astral plane. You can do this simply by thinking where you want to g... Read >
How Even A Beginner Can Astral Project
Each and every human being is born with the ability to astral project. The only difference between those who can astral project at will and those who cannot is practice. Astral projection is a technique which has a very long history, just as do yoga and m... Read >
Making Chakra Meditation a Big Part of Your Life
Meditation is one of the best things you can do to bring a little relief to your mind, your spirit and even your physical body. It is a practice which has been with us for thousands of years; the ancient civilization of India was one society well aware of... Read >
Live the Dream As a Lucid Dreamer
We all dream, even those of us who think they don't! Some of us even dream while we are awake. But let's turn that around. How would you like to be awake while you dream? I'm not talking about daydreaming; I'm talking about lucid dreaming.
What does lu... Read >
How to Bring Balance in Your Life - Seven Tips For Chakra Balance
When balance is brought about, absolutely everything works at its best. The environments, our diet, our bodies, power, government, the universe, the tides, the weather, the water cycle, and all other circles within our existence need to be at equilibrium ... Read >
Chakra Clearing Brings the Success You Want Out of Life
So why is Chakra clearing so vital to our lives?
Ours is a world where people have to constantly adapt to keep up. You have to maintain a high level of motivation and energy in order to be able to do this and to achieve the success that you want out of... Read >
Chakra Balancing Vs The Modern World
The modern world has brought many amazing technological advances; but at the same time, it has led to a loss of awareness on the part of many people of the importance, even the existence of their spiritual welfare.
We can learn a lot from Hindu philoso... Read >
The Cosmic Ordering Service Can Give You All Your Desires
That is a pretty bold statement isn't it? All of your desires fulfilled, any wish granted and every dream come true, I bet you want to hear more don't you? The cosmic ordering service is actually a very simple idea, yet for most is very hard to accompli... Read >
Chakra Cleansing for Personal Growth and Development
Our Chakras are subject to both physical and nonphysical forces present in our environment on a daily basis. This makes Chakra cleansing a necessity.
Achieving a balance between the physical and nonphysical facets of ourselves is necessary - and Chakr... Read >
Simple and Effective Ways To Lucid Dream
Very simply put, a dream in which you are conscious that you are dreaming is known as a Lucid Dream. The expression 'lucid' in this context means aware or conscious. But the extent of your 'lucidity' can vary according to how 'stable' the dream experience... Read >
Rob Daniels
Sailing Safety
Sailing, like most activities, does have some possible dangers. Knowledge, preparation and care, can help prevent most serious problems. Consider the following ideas when preparing for your sailing adventure.
Evaluate Skill Levels
Consider the exper... Read >
Ideas for Using Photographs in Crafts
There are many unique ways to use photographs in crafts that allow for personality, expression and interests to be displayed not only in the home or office, but any where you go. Use these ideas to expand your own use of photographs in crafting and gift i... Read >
Protecting and Storing Photographs So Your Memories Last
Photographs record our daily lives and special events. Seeing a picture often brings back memories, as well as feelings, thoughts and emotions. When our most special moments are recorded they become treasured family keepsakes. These keepsakes need to be w... Read >
Golf is Good for Your Health
Everything about our lives is busy. We not only do our work at work now a days, but carry work with us. Cell phones, video conferencing and wireless Internet allow work to be done anywhere and anytime. Technologies advancements have helped business reach ... Read >
Holistic Meditation
We are told that meditation is natural, that when someone sleeps they go into a meditative state. To fully understand the purpose and functioning of meditation one has to observe the human as both a physical and spiritual or psychological being. From the ... Read >
Yoga meditation guidance was described thousands of years ago by ancient and mystical sages. Since civilized societies began to emerge, meditation has evolved into a structured practice. Although there is not a lot of recorded information dealing with the... Read >
The Dangers of Snorkeling
Planning a vacation in the Caribbean or another beautiful, tropical location? Along with flight plans, hotels, and work arrangements it will be beneficial to plan for recreation, particularly snorkeling. Although you can arrive and receive some informatio... Read >
The Benefits of Lacrosse for Children
Lacrosse is a fun and high energy game that is growing quickly in the United States. Interest is starting at a young age. girls and boys alike are lining up to play this sport. The athleticism, skills and finesse needed are pulling kids from all over to e... Read >
What is Snuba?
Snuba is a portmanteau word, combing the words scuba and snorkel. Snuba divers wear similar equipment to that of scuba divers: fins, mask, and a bodysuit. However, the air tank commonly worn on scuba divers back, is attached to a specially designed raft f... Read >
Feng Shui and Chi
Feng Shui is an ancient discipline which shifts the chi (life force energy) in your home to improve your life. Children are indeed a blessing and add joy to one's household. In ancient times, a family was regarded as incomplete without children. Many meth... Read >
Feng Shui Improves Life
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Business people as well as common folks throughout the world improve all aspects of their lives using Feng Shui. Although the exact origins of feng shui are debatable, it is thought to have originated in China about five thou... Read >
Understanding Reiki
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
The story of Reiki has been shrouded by myth and fable for decades. Much research has been undertaken to discern the true roots of the beautiful Reiki tradition. Reiki is an ever evolving, flexible and creative form of growth... Read >
Horses; Hunters and Jumpers
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Within the discipline of show jumping there are two distinct subdisciplines: hunters and jumpers. On a jumping course, it is up to the rider to cue the horse when it reaches the best take-off point. Connecting your horse from... Read >
What are Compound Bows?
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Undoubtedly one of the biggest advances in the last two decades has been the development of the compound bow. The Compound bow is the latest major development in the search for power and accuracy.
Wilbur Allen, a Missouri ... Read >
Yoga Postures and Yoga Asanas
Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels
Many yoga styles have been derived from classical yoga, and are designed to suit various preferences. Most of the different yoga positions practiced fall into one of two categories: meditative or therapeutic. There are litera... Read >
Amy Biddle
Living in Synchronicity with the Universe
I've always loved the movies where someone says, "Synchronize watches!" A team of heroes would have to split up to do their individual jobs, but to complete their common mission successfully, they had to work in synchronicity. I think I must have enjoyed ... Read >
Experiments in the Science of Mind
In any science experiment, you take a situation, change something about it, and measure the effect of your action on the situation. When you're a kid, you might start with a still cup of vinegar, add baking soda, and be delighted when the vinegar bubbles ... Read >
The Trinity of Body Mind Soul
We are all spiritual beings, each of us with the gift of a body, mind, and soul. When we are not very aware of our essentially spiritual nature, we tend to identify ourselves as just one thing or the other. Some of us think we are this body that does thin... Read >
H.A.L.T. for Stress Relief
Carrie was on the verge of a meltdown when she called her friend Sarah. "Tom just called. He's stuck at work for three more hours! I know he can't help it, but I'm about to blow! I am exhausted. I just finally got Sam down for his nap, and now the baby wo... Read >
Your Natural State of Mind
Whether we know it consciously or not, one of our deepest longings as human beings is to have inner peace. What do I mean by that? Inner peace is a state of feeling well and at ease, no matter what our circumstances. Actually, inner peace is our default s... Read >
Guided Meditation
Just as there are many teachers, there are a wide variety of guided meditations. Ideally, their goal is to allow you to be both alert and relaxed, while your guide draws your attention to that which is larger, grander, and wiser than yourself. Through reg... Read >
The Long Arm of the Law of Attraction
The law of attraction gives simple directions to fine tune your life.
When you were about 18 months old, you probably conducted research on the law of gravity. Again and again, you dropped things from your high chair to see if they'd fall to the floor... Read >
The Power of Goal Setting
Goal setting is a tool to use to have more fun in life.
Life is perfect as it is. It is perfectly itself, whole and complete, lacking nothing.
That may seem like a funny way to begin an essay on goal setting. "If my life is fine the way it is," yo... Read >
Mapping Your Own Spiritual Journey
Here's an important installment in the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, as adapted from Joseph Campbell. It's a wonderful story of humanity's spiritual journey. The Knights and their King were challenged to find the Grail in the mi... Read >
In Favor of A Positive Attitude
What's the big deal about a positive attitude?
You've heard of how-to articles, but this is a why-to article. Why is it so important to develop the ability to choose a positive attitude , no matter what?
We Westerners have a tendency to worship th... Read >
Spiritual Healing- Nothing Special
Let's be honest. A lot of people think that spiritual healing is a little "woo-woo." Look at it logically, though, and I think you'll agree it's nothing out of the ordinary.
Health is your natural state of being. It's your default setting. As soon as ... Read >
To Be Loved As To Love
Ernie Larson, author of "Stage II Recovery" and other works, uses a wonderful metaphor for relationships. If you picture yourself as a telephone pole, he says, and the other person as a telephone pole, you can see your relationship as the line strung betw... Read >
A Daily Refreshment
Half an hour's meditation is essential except when you are very busy. Then, a full hour is needed. --Francis de Sales
Meditation is one of those things in life that benefits you the most when you want to do it the least. It is a practice that helps to... Read >
Teaching the Body Health
Quantum physics continues to make believers out of scientists and informs spirituality.
Most of us grew up believing what scientists believed. We "knew" that a cell's nucleus contained its DNA, that DNA contains genetic material, and that the nucleus o... Read >
Lonely No More
Loneliness is the absence of self. Solitude is fullness of self. --May Sarton
When you feel lonely, it seems that loneliness is the truth of your whole existence. You may have experienced love and friendly camaraderie just yesterday, but now it seems... Read >
Travel Scotland
Peach Chiffon Party Beauty
The artificial chiffon fabric has been well worked out by choosing the effect of calm peach colour as its base. The dark peach colour looks fine with the designs and features of this saree. The woven floral patterns in the saree body, pleats and pallu are... Read >
Stunning Mauve Contemporary Saree
The breathtaking mauve saree is truly contemporary. The saree is aesthetically decorated with floral and circular patterns. The other part of the saree has patched floral foliage with beautiful leafs and twines. The tricolor border patch frames the elegan... Read >
Expressive Yellow Evening Saree
The beautiful yellow false georgette saree is a delightful evening wear. The saree looks extraordinary in the pastel shaded floral patterns which are highly captivating. The cute floral patterns in the body are accentuated with fancy woven patch border. T... Read >
Pinkish Mauve Color Sarees
When it comes to sarees our Indian women turn the shop upside down to get the most rare and cute shade. Let a lady into a saree shop and the place would soon be in a huge mess. The shop attendants are not as shocked as others are, because they live in it ... Read >
The Beautiful Party Wear
This striped wonder is an unfathomed marvel. We are certainly talking about the gorgeous saree shaded in brown, beige and mauve. Intelligent alternations of colours are blended skillfully with the stripes. The Saree has an aura of elegance with it that w... Read >
Saree a traditional wear
A women always looks elegant in a saree, she looks like a symbol of grace and poise in a saree. And a saree is also a comfortable wear for all occasions and at the same time looks elegant on the person using it. A saree is always associated with traditio... Read >
Ornate Sharara Saree
The Ornate Sharara Saree in eye-catching mauve is perfect for the trendy woman of today. It is the epitome of the modern woman complete with bright colors and eye catching designs. Great for dinner parties and special occasions. In a world where being one... Read >
Designer Sarees for Today
In todays modern trend the designer sarees are given more importance as they look trendy and fashionable. Some of the designer sarees are listed below:
In Lush Butterfly Pallu Saree the women give the impression of being refined and pleasing to the ey... Read >
Shades of green
A saree always makes the person wearing it look more beautiful. It is said that a womens calm and elegance nature is shown only through the saree. A saree which is a long strip of cloth better represents the proud Indian tradition and culture to the worl... Read >
Pure Silk Sarees
Silk Sarees are the just right clothing for ladies of all ages and occasions of all sorts. The silk sarees are being crafted using the superior quality silk. These sarees are cherished for their good-looking prints and also for their outstanding color com... Read >
BookMyRoom-SA has partnered with Greater Addo
As part of our ongoing aim to promote the wider regions of South Africa, Greater Addo is absolute must for anyone who loves the great outdoors.
The Addo Elephant National Park, with its core situated in the Sundays River Valley and stretching from the... Read >
Understanding Russian Women
Russian & Ukrainian women are quite distinct. They have been brought up within a cultural, moral & political system that until less than two decades ago was shut off from the rest of the world.
Understanding these differences is important and can be very helpful in reducing the risks of misunderstandings, or worse causing offence.
It is fair to say that moral standards are above average and that the family unit is still very important and understanding this is very important. Gentlemenly conduct is I know a turn on, so be sensitive and thoughtful in the way you respond to the letters you receive from her. Take note of her observations and her perceptiveness. Allow your lady to take the lead, particularly when it comes to intimacy.
Do not hide, let her know what you look like! Anything less is unreasonable and unrealistic! Why are so many men wary of including their photo within their profile? It undoubtably is a mistake and greatly diminishes their chances of attracting a woman. How many of you would write to a lady, without first seeing her photo? A lack of photo is regarded by many ladies as suspicious. I know that it leads them to think that the man must be hiding something, or is afraid of something?
Due to circumstances beyond their control, the majority of these ladies are not economically well off, but they do seem to share an open and generous nature and a freedom and openess of heart and spirit. Do not dwell on your material status, she will think you shallow. Share your deeper qualities with her, your values and your perceptions. Whilst these ladies are not economically very secure, they are not shallow and dwelling on your material possessions, or success, is not the way to go. Ok, there will be a minority that will be very interested in knowing how wealthy you may, or may not be, but you must decide if this is the type of woman you seek?
Equally remember that these ladies are actively considering what will be for them a huge leap of faith and trust. They are considering leaving behind their family, friends and a way of life that they know. They will need to feel that you are financially secure and that you are in a position to support them and help them in a new country. An unknown country of different customs, language and values. She will need to know that you will be at her side in starting her new life.
Be patient, do not rush her. Be a gentlemen and allow her to determine the pace at which your romance develops and grows. Once she begins to feel sure and secure with you her tenderness and femininity will become apparent and clear. Telling her you love her after two letters could be a good way to lose her. The likelihood is she will have much to say to you, much to share with you. Listen and respond with care and sensitivity. Be attentive, listen and try to understand what she is telling you and be responsive. As these ladies are in general very intelligent they will both enjoy and respond to your attentiveness.
These ladies are in general smart and intelligent, they are well aware of their beauty, but are also aware that their beauty will not last forever, that it is a transitional thing. Allow her to express her deeper and more profound qualities, note them and better still compliment them.
Of course all ladies like to be told that they are beautiful, but do not forget her other qualities, her deeper qualities. Whilst Russian & Ukrainian women have a completely different take on feminism ( it is for them to be proudly and strongly feminine) they do want to be loved and admired as a complete and important person. Not as an item, or trophy. Someone or something to hang onto the arm of a man as if a decoration. Many of these ladies are well aware of their physical beauty and attraction, but concentrating solely on this beauty could cause them to feel unsure of the depth of your sincerity. Compliment her on her inner qualities and her values also.
Be generous of nature and of heart with her. If you have any doubts, or suspicions about the lady you are sharing correspondence with, she will almost certainly feel it within your words and it will be a huge turn off for her. Be open, honest and trusting and she will reciprocate. Any sign of meanness of spirit, or nature and you will loose her. Yes of course you can send gifts, or flowers, it is normal when romancing any woman, but try to be with her open and generous this is something very attractive for these ladies.
Be patient with her; allow her to take the lead in all. Be relaxed, interested and sincere. Try to understand her, her points of view, her hopes and fears and her values and perceptions. Allow the romance to develop naturally and allow the bond to grow and develop at a natural pace. It will be well worthwhile.
One of the great surprises and joys awaiting the man that is romancing a Russian woman is discovering personally the depth and quality of her inner world and glimpsing her perpectives and perceptions. Discovering personally the the level of awareness and perception shared by these ladies will be a very pleasant and enjoyable part of the romance and as trust and understanding develops the qualities within your lady will become ever more apparent. Bide your time, be attentive and be patient. Your success could depend upon it and your quest will be all the more successful.
Russian & Ukrainian women share many distinct and admirable qualities, due to their unique cultural and family oriented history. Understanding these distinctions can be very helpful in your quest for a Russian Bride. Learn more at:-
Understanding these differences is important and can be very helpful in reducing the risks of misunderstandings, or worse causing offence.
It is fair to say that moral standards are above average and that the family unit is still very important and understanding this is very important. Gentlemenly conduct is I know a turn on, so be sensitive and thoughtful in the way you respond to the letters you receive from her. Take note of her observations and her perceptiveness. Allow your lady to take the lead, particularly when it comes to intimacy.
Do not hide, let her know what you look like! Anything less is unreasonable and unrealistic! Why are so many men wary of including their photo within their profile? It undoubtably is a mistake and greatly diminishes their chances of attracting a woman. How many of you would write to a lady, without first seeing her photo? A lack of photo is regarded by many ladies as suspicious. I know that it leads them to think that the man must be hiding something, or is afraid of something?
Due to circumstances beyond their control, the majority of these ladies are not economically well off, but they do seem to share an open and generous nature and a freedom and openess of heart and spirit. Do not dwell on your material status, she will think you shallow. Share your deeper qualities with her, your values and your perceptions. Whilst these ladies are not economically very secure, they are not shallow and dwelling on your material possessions, or success, is not the way to go. Ok, there will be a minority that will be very interested in knowing how wealthy you may, or may not be, but you must decide if this is the type of woman you seek?
Equally remember that these ladies are actively considering what will be for them a huge leap of faith and trust. They are considering leaving behind their family, friends and a way of life that they know. They will need to feel that you are financially secure and that you are in a position to support them and help them in a new country. An unknown country of different customs, language and values. She will need to know that you will be at her side in starting her new life.
Be patient, do not rush her. Be a gentlemen and allow her to determine the pace at which your romance develops and grows. Once she begins to feel sure and secure with you her tenderness and femininity will become apparent and clear. Telling her you love her after two letters could be a good way to lose her. The likelihood is she will have much to say to you, much to share with you. Listen and respond with care and sensitivity. Be attentive, listen and try to understand what she is telling you and be responsive. As these ladies are in general very intelligent they will both enjoy and respond to your attentiveness.
These ladies are in general smart and intelligent, they are well aware of their beauty, but are also aware that their beauty will not last forever, that it is a transitional thing. Allow her to express her deeper and more profound qualities, note them and better still compliment them.
Of course all ladies like to be told that they are beautiful, but do not forget her other qualities, her deeper qualities. Whilst Russian & Ukrainian women have a completely different take on feminism ( it is for them to be proudly and strongly feminine) they do want to be loved and admired as a complete and important person. Not as an item, or trophy. Someone or something to hang onto the arm of a man as if a decoration. Many of these ladies are well aware of their physical beauty and attraction, but concentrating solely on this beauty could cause them to feel unsure of the depth of your sincerity. Compliment her on her inner qualities and her values also.
Be generous of nature and of heart with her. If you have any doubts, or suspicions about the lady you are sharing correspondence with, she will almost certainly feel it within your words and it will be a huge turn off for her. Be open, honest and trusting and she will reciprocate. Any sign of meanness of spirit, or nature and you will loose her. Yes of course you can send gifts, or flowers, it is normal when romancing any woman, but try to be with her open and generous this is something very attractive for these ladies.
Be patient with her; allow her to take the lead in all. Be relaxed, interested and sincere. Try to understand her, her points of view, her hopes and fears and her values and perceptions. Allow the romance to develop naturally and allow the bond to grow and develop at a natural pace. It will be well worthwhile.
One of the great surprises and joys awaiting the man that is romancing a Russian woman is discovering personally the depth and quality of her inner world and glimpsing her perpectives and perceptions. Discovering personally the the level of awareness and perception shared by these ladies will be a very pleasant and enjoyable part of the romance and as trust and understanding develops the qualities within your lady will become ever more apparent. Bide your time, be attentive and be patient. Your success could depend upon it and your quest will be all the more successful.
Russian & Ukrainian women share many distinct and admirable qualities, due to their unique cultural and family oriented history. Understanding these distinctions can be very helpful in your quest for a Russian Bride. Learn more at:-
Sharon Taylor
How to Make Sure You Get the Best Term Life Insurance Rates
It is no doubt that life insurance is important for anyone who has someone in their life who depends upon them. Term life insurance rates determine how much it costs for each individual to be covered. These rates help applicants decide how much someone ca... Read >
Top Three Considerations for Understanding and Purchasing Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance is a topic that many people often avoid discussing. The idea of even needing this type of insurance is enough to make people cringe. It is often viewed as a morbid topic for many to consider. It is important to understand the reasoning... Read >
How to Determine the Proper Coverage and Time Period for Term Life Insurance Policy
For many, the concept of term life insurance is like a word from the dictionary of a foreign language. People seem to understand they need life insurance, but are not quite sure how to go about acquiring it. Understanding the rates and prices for life ins... Read >
A Simple Path to Purchasing Term Life Insurance
Once you have made the decision to purchase term life insurance, you may feel as though the hardest decision is behind you. Some people have a difficult time deciding to spend money on life insurance. For those who feel that the decision was difficult, th... Read >
5 Ways to Save Money on Your Term Life Insurance Premium
Term life insurance is known as the cheaper alternative of life insurance than permanent life insurance. What many people do not realize, however, that term life insurance can actually be even cheaper than they may think. By following a few tips, when res... Read >
How to Pay Less for Term Life Insurance by Reducing You Alcohol Consumption
Drinking alcohol is a part of our society and surprisingly can affect your term life insurance rates. Whether it is casual drinking, heavy drinking or alcohol abuse, alcohol manages to find a way into most people's lives at some point. While some prefer b... Read >
How to Pay Less for Term Life Insurance by Losing Weight
For some, losing weight is pure vanity. Some people make a decision to look better and feel better. For others, losing weight is a health issue. Many people fail to associate term life insurance quotes with weight and obesity. Some find themselves with hi... Read >
Term Life Insurance Quick Tips
Term life insurance is something that can be confusing at first. There are multiple facets of life insurance and most people would rather skip the information and sign on the dotted line. What they do not realize, however, is that there are important thin... Read >
Lifestyle and Health Can Affect Your Term Life Insurance Rates
Understanding the ins and outs of term life insurance rates can often be confusing and time consuming to understand. There are multiple things that can affect the rates and terms of your policy. Unhealthy lifestyles, such as smoking, drinking and being ov... Read >
How New Year’s Resolutions Can Help You Save on Term Life Insurance
Everyone who is considering, or has considered, life insurance is generally looking for lower term life insurance rates. Most everyone follows a simple tradition during New Years - the "New Year's Resolution." What many do not consider, however, is that t... Read >
Term Life Insurance in an Overweight America
It's a known fact that too high of a percentage of American's are overweight and many of these people have difficulty getting the best term life insurance rates. There are over 60 million Americans who aren't just considered overweight but considered obes... Read >
A Closer Look at Term Life Insurance Quotes
Are you looking for low cost term life insurance quotes? Term life insurance quotes are typically the least expensive that you will find, and they offer a death benefit for a pre-determined amount of years. At the end of this term, your policy coverage wi... Read >
When to Re-Evaluate Your Term Life Insurance Policy
Term life insurance can be a great alternative to permanent life insurance coverage, although it does depend on the person and the situation. When there is a major event in life, however, people often forget to change their life insurance to match the cur... Read >
Key Considerations About No Medical Term Life Insurance Promotions
Have you seen those too good to be true television commercials reporting that you can easily obtain term life insurance coverage for $10 a month without requiring a medical exam? These television offers traditionally claim that you can obtain a relatively... Read >
Making Things Easy With No Medical Term Life Insurance
There are literally several hundred different online companies that are offering term life insurance that does not require a physical examination. These no medical term life insurance policies may sound appealing when you first look at them, but it is abs... Read >
Damian Sofsian
The Benefits of Stethoscope Covers
Many doctors like to personalize their stethoscope by putting a cover over the tube. Stethoscope covers come in many different colors and shapes. Many pediatricians use stethoscope covers shaped like animals. Other doctors like denim or cotton stethosc... Read >
The Advantages of Electric Stethoscopes
One problem with standard acoustic stethoscopes is that they merely transmit sounds but do not amplify them. Doctors in busy, noisy hospitals and paramedics in moving vehicles often have trouble getting accurate readings from these stethoscopes. Electri... Read >
Cardiology Stethoscopes
While stethoscopes are used in a variety of situations, they are most commonly used to monitor patient's hearts. Doctors use cardiology stethoscopes to listen for a variety of irregular sounds that could signal heart problems. Some problems detected by ... Read >
A Look at Discount Stethoscopes
Stethoscopes are one of the most commonly used tools in the medical profession. Nearly every doctor, nurse, paramedic, and veterinarian uses a stethoscope throughout the course of a normal workday. Some doctors or hospitals choose to purchase their stet... Read >
Key Prescription Drug Addiction Statistics
Prescription drug addiction is becoming a major problem in America. Prescription drugs are being prescribed for a wider variety of reasons and quite frequently, greatly increasing the chances that they will be misused. There are several disturbing presc... Read >
A Review of Littman Stethoscopes
Dr. David Littman, a famous cardiologist, inventor, and Harvard Medical School professor, greatly improved the acoustic qualities of stethoscopes in 1963. He believed it was vital to have a stethoscope with two chestpieces, an open one used to hear low p... Read >
The Value of Prescription Drug Addiction Forums
A forum is a place where a group of people comes together to discuss a common issue. With the rise of the Internet, many forums are now conducted online. These online forums, also called newsgroups, are good places for people to get information or share... Read >
Picture Your Heart's Health With EKGs
Each time your heart beats, the contractions and relaxations of the heart muscle emit electrical current. An electrocardiogram (EKG) is a medical recording of the electric impulses from the heart. Electrodes that send impulses to the EKG machine are attac... Read >
The Modern EKG Machine
Perhaps one of the most useful 20th century technologies for the diagnosis of heart disease is the electrocardiogram (EKG) machine. Although much more bulky and heavy than the modern EKG machines in use today, the first device was built at the turn of the... Read >
The Meaning of Abnormal EKG Results
Many physicians recommend EKGs as a preventative-screening tool for those with a family history of heart disease. While a healthy person does not need an EKG as a part of an annual exam, many physicians will recommend an EKG if they have concerns. If a pa... Read >
The Role of Rhythm Strips for Interpreting EKGs
Each time the heart beats it emits electrical currents. An electrocardiogram (EKG) is a method in which electrodes are attached at various points on the body. These electrodes are attached to wires that are attached to the EKG machine. The electrodes send... Read >
An Introduction to Stethoscopes
Stethoscopes are simple yet effective tools that allow doctors to listen to the internal sounds in a patient's body. Doctors can use stethoscopes to listen to a patient's heart, intestines, breathing, and blood flow.
A French doctor named Rene-Theop... Read >
Conservative Radio Host's Prescription Drug Addiction Story
In recent years, the prescription drug addictions of many public figures have come to light. One of the most tragic personal prescription drug addiction stories in recent years is that of radio commentator Rush Limbaugh. He achieved a level of fame, wea... Read >
Why Companies Perform Random Drug Testing
Perhaps the most controversial of all drug screenings is the random drug test. Employers have the legal authority to request a random drug test, whether they have a reasonable suspicion or not. Many companies have implemented a policy of completely random... Read >
The Rise of High School Drug Testing
School districts, much like employers, have begun to implement drug-testing policies. Many school officials cite statistics relating to school performance and safety among drug users. Whether the drug testing acts as a method of screening students or as a... Read >
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